General Discussion

General DiscussionSkill Brackets = moron level in reverse?

Skill Brackets = moron level in reverse? in General Discussion

    So I'm honing my skills with limited set of heroes and from dota buff I've noticed that unless I'm learning new hero I win high level matches most of the time, but to win normal level matches even with heroes I'm good is most of the time a struggle.
    If someone is raging why AM or Spectre not helping team in 15min mark and just farming - it is gg. Can't understand how people like that have spent playing Dota2 for 1k+ hours and still don't understand how game functions lol.
    Hence I play Slark, Magnus, Axe and currently learning Nature Prophet

      Цей коментар було видалено

        Not really complaint ;). I'm slowly but steadily climbing out of potato bracket lol ;D


          actually, i just dont see any purpose in ur post, and it definetely looks like a complaint. You are not asking questions neither providing any interesting discussion topic, and I just can't get and why u posted this thread. There is basically nothing to respond to it.


            But how matchmaking is supposed to work is while you wining it places you in more advanced matched. But instead of starting losing I continue winning till I reach my skill level ceiling, lose few matches, get pushed to normal level and keep losing where till high level match pops up for whatever reasons ;D


              normal matchmaking is sometimes rly weird, particularly if u do not have that many games on your acc. I would say it is just sort of bad luck.


                OK the question is how to prevent your teammate going into 1x5 fight knowingly? Or even 3x5 when I have no way to join - they too far from TP points.


                  best thing to do if someone from your team is raging/flaming is to tell them that everything is fine and then mute them


                    try to move to vhs bracket. the better ppl's rating is, the less idiotic movememnts they do. usually.

                    MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                      tactical pause is your best friend, even after the 3 sec cast time nerf its still very viable imo


                        But now pause can be cancelled instantly, and in most cases the pauses in my game are less than 0.5 sec long, so there's no much sense in 'em. B4 the update, u had at least these 3 seconds it took to unpause for sure.


                          The irony is the more stupid things ppl do, the better you have to play, but you just get annoyed and make mistakes. Still have to climb to Zen level, but at least I've stopped answering random comments and accusations.

                          I can say though, that I don't really enjoy reworked gold for kills. It supposed to make comeback easier, but usually it just prolong game and ends the same way. This problem only relevant on normal level bracket I guess, as late game requires much more team work.


                            This is kind of useless as you only get in high with your friend, not solo.

                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                              I went through my high level matches and you are right! Well spotted sir

                              NextStep ®

                                Probably carried by your friend in those high skilled games.

                                No point honing new heroes when your game sense is mediocre.
                                1.3k games and still being in normal skill bracket is rather poor. I'd suggest you to play support role more often as you're clearly missing out a lot.
                                It'll definitely improve your overall game play.