General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's up with this.

What's up with this. in General Discussion
Bread Winners Association

    Okay so basically I've been getting tired of dota due to the fact that I somehow manage to get matched with absolute idiots. I agree that I may not play the best at times either and end up making stupid mistakes and will look like I'm feeding at the end but I am somewhat trying. I'm at 3.5k mmr incase some keyboard Warrior ends up trashing. I try to play snowball heroes such as storm, shadow fiend etc but it's not working. Last 2 games I did reasonable good while rest of the team were not able to carry or do a thing. Incase you're wondering, If I play solo I mostly get very high skill. But since I've been playing in party I mainly get normal. But anyhow. Is there a way I can actually end up winning?

    Dire Wolf

      Those games you were talking about were normal not ranked and normal skill. It's really hard to suggest anything there cus normal behaves a lot differently than ranked. Both those games you did 0 tower dmg though. Maybe focus more on taking objective than non stop fighting/ganking.

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        Heroes like shadow fiend and storm take practice- play more with them or play heroes that you do well with already, like slark

        Bread Winners Association

          Well that's not the problem. I mean I know how to play shadow fiend and storm. It's just that i always end up losing. If I tell them let's go push, they will just rather go back to farming and waiting for the next fight. I know it's normal and not ranked sorry for not saying that, but anyhow I experience the same in both. Had 3.7k at the start and did fell off quite a bit. :/

          Sup m8

            I'd suggest playing slark as well, I find that he can 1 v 5 better than storm, dunno about sf.

            Dire Wolf

              Storm is more of a ganker and doesn't do great tower dmg but sf with his aura and souls does a crapload of tower dmg and flash farms quite well. You don't need your team to kill the towers and push for you, he can do it. If you're having trouble finishing games pick carries that kill towers more like troll, sniper, void, jug.