General Discussion

General DiscussionManhandled in China

Manhandled in China in General Discussion

    After a summer of steady gains in winrate and MMR (I was 3000 at the beginning of summer climbed 800, now 3200, I don't even dare playing ranked anymore considering the results!) I started to play on the Chinese servers after moving there. It has been incredibly rough, although I'm happy to say I learned quite a bit It's still mostly a painful experience.

    I feel like part of the problem is simply the playstyle here, which I'm not used to. In EU west, it's a lot about ganks and active supports. Here no one ever buys a courier and everyone smokeganks, or a complete reluctance for anyone in the whole game to pick a carry, to name a few tendencies I've noticed.

    Perhaps some advice?


      Its generally said that chinese mmr is much more cruel, and f.e. 4k in china is barely equal to 4.5-5k on other servers. idk why, but i heard 'bout that many times.


        if noone likes to pick carries, you pick i and win ez maybe??
        i tink this is my dream, too bad id have to play with 400+ ping there ,not that i haven't ever won with meepo with 400+ ping lmao


          if noone likes to pick carries that means chinese players are actually smart

          cuz carries are so unneeded in pubs u can get some earlymidgame heroes and then scale well with them even if game drags into lategame


            Second paragraph is not whining gents, it's things I've noticed. Of course I try to pick a carry more often, and of course I buy a courier when no one else does.

            Perhaps something more tangible?


              Nobody picking carry? Where do I sign up, I looove dat carry play, dat farm, dem early game plays into late game crushing by simply having more farm :D


                Any China players can confirm Maelstrom Lion is a thing there? We played with some Lion who built it and another guy said this is like the top Lion build in china rofl


                  In China the team with the most carries always seems to win, given the presence of at least one support. Have not seen any Maelstrom Lions however.


                    Sorry I don't play in china, but this seems like an interesting thread to follow. I'll keep an eye on it.

                    I've heard that they take their games pretty seriously there (so probably less trolls).


                      On the note of that, I've been flamed quite heavily a few times (they like calling people vegetables). When flamed in the west on average I can usually think of a really bad play I did. In China however I've been flamed to pieces at times where I could honestly not figure what it was I did that was so bad.

                      Seriously though, will someone take a look at my Dotabuff and give me some hints on how to improve. It sucks more than you guys can imagine to start at this game and, really try to improve, succeed at it and then get destroyed over and over again when switching regions.


                        Throwing this in here for some perspective: