General Discussion

General Discussionmanta on slark/troll/gyro. why?

manta on slark/troll/gyro. why? in General Discussion
Mr. Nice Guy

    i ve seen xboct and another pros going for it. why would you go for manta on those heroes? (excepting the debuff). i mean,slark doesnt have that dmg,his dmg scales with the passive. troll is kind of same,and with 5k gold there are better items for trol,5k gold is almost a skadi. (i ve seen them rushing this like second item or third item). and for gyro,third abillity doesnt work on illusions. why do they buy this item?


      troll's manta illusions don't have fervor and don't get AS from ult, and you don't need the disjoint since you are likely getting a bkb at some point

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      Mr. Nice Guy

        so,manta on troll is useless?


          manta is 5k, with 5k gold you can get a yasha + crystalys + aquila which is so much more useful

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            you don't go phaseboots manta anyway. The logical is Phase Aquila HotD Manta (Might put in a wand).

            Also, the "you're likely to go bkb anyway" is not a valid point, cause you can't afford to use a bkb every time a Vengeful throws a stun at you.

            Anyway, I don't go manta, nor do I play much troll, but there's some invalid or irrelevant points given here.


              cuz u can dodge projectiles splitpush and shit like that

              Mr. Nice Guy

                when i say second or third item,i mean second or third expensive/big item . for example,i dont count boots or wand or drums or idk,items which are less then 2k gold

                Mr. Nice Guy

                  well,i dont rlly see slark s illusions splitpushing that well :)


                    suck on slark, the 2 possible upgrade of yasha pretty much suck on troll (for the cost), and everything related to yasha suck on gyro
                    = nice choice once again by xboct

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                      i often make manta on gyro :/