General Discussion

General DiscussionWon calibration match, mmr goes down

Won calibration match, mmr goes down in General Discussion
    They basically won the match in 15 min, POTM storm godlike while i was in the offlane doing nothing. Okay, I still won with little impact, avg MMR 4400, next game avg MMR 4300, are u serious
    This one is the contrary. My team feeds slark hard, at 24 min Magnus blinks, empty RP, then he ragequits. LMAO
    I lost and my mmr went down

    Nice calibration volvo

    Now last game

    bum farto

      "They basically won the match in 15 min"

      It put you up with better opponents and you performed poorly so it put you down. Calibration is tricky and you have to perform well or it deems you unfit for that bracket and will knock you down.

      This was why zeus was fixed cause people could pick him and spam ult over and over and even if you lost it would deem you to have performed well and would continue bumping you.

      If I am not mistake the previously best calibration heroes were Zeus, Meepo, Tinker, Earth Spirit. You will probably calibrate at about 4.4-4.6 as that is the maximum most of the accounts get unless you perform amazingly in almost every game up until your last calibration game.


        As you can see in my profile I performed okay in all matches, not stomping, not feeding.
        I still performed better than treant in that game, so I was not the worst of my team, MMR should remain the same.
        4 loses out of 5 were because my team fed really bad, and I can't obviously win alone in a MMR that I deserve. Last lose with TA was because some tryhard last picked viper and I had little impact.

        I think I'll calibrate 4.3-4.4 if I play good in my last game, I feel this is my bracket

        bum farto

          ^ that's a good start. If you're mad cause you feel your deserve higher then that's a slippery slope. If you're happy you got where you are and you're comfortable with it then you can always improve from there.

          Also impact is relative to the hero, treant has always been a invisible impact hero despite that not being the case. He is sometimes the man behind the scenes making stuff happen.


            I'm kinda mad because I think I could have played better in those matches. But anyway yes, I can climb higher but I need to improve my play, so I won't tryhard more, I'll just play some normal matches and focus on my mistakes. Maybe I will get coached since I never did this.

            Mortimer Smith

              Average mmr doesn't show the mmr you will get, mb you are 4.6 and your teammates are just 4k so the average mmr is 4.3 or not....


                nah a 4.3 game on eu west server is going to be extremely balanced


                  hi im wave i'll post on my friends smurf, this will be my second and last post.

                  you will decrease and increase regardless of how you perform, you could be playing vs 6k-7k if you are a decent player like me on your first match in calibration and even if you rape them hard, you will be playing vs 4.5ks or whatever in your next. this is due to the limit valve put on calibration to make sure nobody gets above 4.9k.

                  as long as you're not a bad player and you think you're 5k+, you will calibrate at 4.8k-4.9k which is the highest you can get as i'm writing this right now, why valve decided to add this dumb limitation to calibration after one year is ridiculous given how mmr inflation is already *too late to save*

                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                    ^they didn't put the cap to stop mmr inflation. They did it to stop high skill players making new accounts and calibrating above 5k, just so they can turn around and sell those accounts.


                      Yeah, I knew about the cap and I find it reasonable. 5k+ should be for experienced players, and if you deserve to be in this bracket you will eventually climb.

                      "Average mmr doesn't show the mmr you will get, mb you are 4.6 and your teammates are just 4k so the average mmr is 4.3 or not...."
                      If I am the highest it shows MMR:TBD on my icon on selection screen


                        i found that winning had little effect on my calibration. in fact i lost 8 games in my calibration but i climbed about 500 mmr
                        because despite losing, i had high gpm, hero damage etc. so i think its not the result but how you perform to a certain extent. of course when you are near max calibration level i guess things will be different.
                        btw ta can win vs viper you just have to utilise psi blades well and not rely on refraction as much. some people say to max meld.


                          Maxing meld is always bad. No dude, you can't win in any way versus viper. Just stay back, leech xp, and stack jungle a lot to catch up. I still had my 13 min blink which is decent.

                          The psi blades thing is not going to work, unless he's completely retarded the viper will just walk on your face and zone you out without aggroing creeps.

                          A decent viper can easily harass you even out of xp range. The only option you have to kill him is: he's out of position, you have phase, double trap and double refraction and you dodge his ult with meld.


                            how can ur mmr go down if ur in calibration match ?

                            u only get ur mmr after u finish all 10 calibraiton games


                              Since last patch you can see the average mmr of your team. Since I'm solo queuing my mmr must be the average of my team.


                                thats not how ranked games works lol


                                  Yes it is, in solo queue all players will have roughly the same mmr unless there is a stack, or very high mmr players like 6-7k



                                    NO WORDS

                                    WORST GAME OF MY LIFE

                                    LOOK SCORE


                                    I'M SO BAD

                                    you use to call me on my ...

                                      relax m8 , i just got 4224 too , but i believe my skill is about 4500 . cz i had done many smurfing with that mmr .
                                      volvo suck or us ?
                                      u tell me

                                      you use to call me on my ...

                                        and i did so many games with leaderboard players . that means they are 5-6k .
                                        and i carried them all
                                        and i just got that mmr . how u feel .


                                          ^ u carried them with ur average 2.80 kda?

                                          sit down please.

                                          Double Agent

                                            Can you see average mmr when calibrating? I haven't played since the feature was introduced.


                                              Yes, you can.

                                              @ONE LAST CRY~ dude if I calibrated at this mmr it means that I deserve it. If I deserve more I'll just go higher
                                              i'm not a dunning krueger ranting bitch

                                              my only rant is that half of my calibration matches was retarded one sided stomp, if I only had more luck in calibrating


                                                just a curious guy here,
                                                what was your main account's mmr?


                                                  I started playing right after ranked was introduced, I calibrated 1.6k. I climbed to 3,4k in few months or something then I stopped playing (casual 1-2 games a day with friends) but I kept following streams and competitive.
                                                  Yes I know, if I played more on main I would have climbed to 4,1k as well, but I was really tired of solo mmr so I created to account to see what mmr I can get.


                                                    I don't think you should smurf anyways y not grind ur way up the ladder so when you get there you've earned it and more likely to stay there once u make it. How many games does it typically take to reach level 13 any ways?


                                                      I earned it anyway, because you will calibrate at your real mmr, it's not abusing like old patches. You need ~150 games, and co op bot games gives you points too.


                                                        But on a serious note
                                                        "you will calibrate at your real mmr"
                                                        Since I calibrated at 4.5k (I'm 3.6k on this account) would you say that 4.5k is my real mmr?


                                                          Yes, and you can climb this account to 4.5k if you play a lot. I have friends who calibrated at 3k or 2k. If you deserve less you get less.

                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                            Treant protector sucks for calibration happened to me during the very start. It's like the opposite of zeus, the hero does no damage and assumes you did nothing the whole game.

                                                            However it doesn't matter though after calibration you will climb to an accurate rating even if it is off by a little bit.


                                                              I agree on that, low KDA, stun, HH, HD, TD. But I was Axe , Treant was a random guy not in calibration (i remember that he had the higher mmr, 4800)

                                                              However I consider Tree one of the best solo queue supports, he can basically win the early game for his team and be relevant through the whole game, good impact hero.