General Discussion

General DiscussionIs aghs necessary as juggernaut?

Is aghs necessary as juggernaut? in General Discussion

    I feel like you 6 slot so fast with mom that the item seems only good if you arent the hardess carry of your team. I usually go phase>mom>yasha then i decide if i want to go manta/basher/mkb and then bkb/skadi/buter/abyssal.

    Is the 3 extra attack and the 40sec(cd) worth it? How many auto attack can you land with mom up with aghs?

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        I ask this because probably 50% of the juggs i see still buy it.

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            Aghs is pretty much bad on him as far as i'm concerned. OK i'm going to far saying it is bad. It is certainly situational.


              its a garbage item for a core

              also most of the time you wont get to use the extra bounces to its greatest potential; the target is either dead or not alone

              waku waku

                very overpowered item if you suck at farming

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                    It's good if you're pos 4 Jugg
                    otherwise it's really bad


                      if not playing position 1 jugger then its good


                        it's bad for mid jugg too


                          RoA, Quelling Blade, Poor man's shield, Treads, Yasha at 12minutes in game then buy a smoke and you can solo roshan.
                          Spell Build: E W S E S R E S W E R
                          Only take your spin level 1 if necessary to dodge spells otherwise, it's not needed since you have to mainly build yourself for right clicking. Then the items differ depending on what you need to win early. Remember jugg is a mid game hero. You should focus on finishing the game around 30 minutes to a maximum of 40 minutes.
                          I'm 4600 mmr and I played jugg quite alot as he's one of my favorites.

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                              mid jug is inherently bad.

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                                saving private RTZ

                                  Jugg can carry hard. How is he not a lategame hero with potential? He has the lowest BAT in game and such a fucking crit. A good placed ward can keep your teammates alive