General Discussion

General DiscussionIs "old meta" Juggernaut still a potential option

Is "old meta" Juggernaut still a potential option in General Discussion

    Since the meta-shift Juggernaut's global winrate has dropped by ~4%. Although this is probably because more people play him and stuff, is the old way of building him still viable if you *commit* to that way of building him? So for example maxing all your spells without taking points in stats, going Phase -> drums -> aghs -> more carry items, is this still remotely do-able? Or is it totally outclassed by the new way by making him less reliant on his Ult for fighting?
    As someone who played Juggernaut this way a lot before the shift, the new changes have thrown me off a bit. I've seen several people say now that building a "hybrid" of the two builds is wrong and that aghs is now 100% bad on him. To what extent is this? I've always felt that the old style helped me do a lot more early game, maxing spin to kill enemy heroes with the help of lockdown etc. Obviously I'm only normal skill but apart from the "you can carry with anything in normal skill", I'd like more higher skill insight.

    Dire Wolf

      It still works it's just not as good. His insane base attack speed and high chance crit with just 1 point make piling on stats with a basher and mom nearly overpowered and broken. You can still go all in with 4/1/1/1 old school builds and build aghs and deso or whatever and that's still very strong, but you won't be a right clicking harbinger of death like you would with a 1/1/1 stats ubild and skadi, basher, mom etc.

      saving private RTZ

        Its not the meta shift or smth it is that people discovered his amazing BAT. He is no more a walking ult as he was before, he is much more of a manfighter, rightclicker. I think he outcarries the majority of carries exept sniper (if he cnat reach him, but with blink/shadowblade not a prob) and thinks like troll , maybe PL cuz he counters him so many ways.

        Aghs just dont offer much. The ult is nkt used for doing damage in teamfights to all the team but more for pick offs. So why would use a slot for an item that give you some stats (get skadi ftw) and 3 more jumps. The 40 sec reduction is mb smth but still irrevelant as you now do damage beside your ulti


          Hmm I am going to be really late to the party I think I've only played jug twice in the past 8 years. I think I am going to make him my new project hero for ranked tho seems like he gots what I am looking for , relevant early and strong man fighter that can split push if needed. You said a hybrid build would be bad? I was actually thinking about going a hybrid build myself altho it's all hypothetical for me at this point . I was thinking pms Aquila treads, for early then getting mom , aghs, maelstrom , then what ever I need from there . Kinda off subject but my best carry spectre seems like he doesn't do as well as he used to because I kill 3 possible 4 of other team but spectre is horrible against all these current heros that manfight so well so after all the carnage I've seen a trend where enemy carry man fights me down with his teammates dead then proceeds to kill like remaining two teammates once I am dead. That is one reason why I am shifting to try n get a hero I can get some good man fight going with. Previously I think after killing team I'd have enough left to kill or atleast sucecide with enemy carry but this last three months I've noticed it's different. Anyways sorry for going off topic .


            btw how much did recent nerf hurt him.

              Цей коментар був видалений модератором
              casual gamer

                aghs was always shit, no mom = go deso

                Quick maffs

                  I love the new way of building jug

                  You farm so fast