General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to be a retarded solo support and have impact?

How to be a retarded solo support and have impact? in General Discussion

    You pick support, other guy picks jungler. So you have to support alone. No money for up courier and wards, 10 minutes brown boots.
    Can't roam or pull, otherwise my carry will be raped by the enemy dual lane.
    My strat is picking a Omni, Tree, or something useful late game and hope to survive the early game, but i think this is not a reliable thing.
    Support duo on the other hand is so much fun.
    Any tips? 4.2k here trying to gid gud in supporting in pubs.


      beg for level 1 bounty rune


        53 stack
        53 stack

        repeat keep letting creep waves die to neuts they give 0 xp meanwhile carry is free farming behind tower. enemy lane cant fight unless its a tri thats the only time you want another support there. they cant gank you because they will have to fight your creeps + triple stack if they try and if they dive tower they die too and if they dont call for tp or you go help. works at 4.2k.

        pick supports that need no gold. i like warlock and oracle. start buying wards sents smoke courier and an iron branch.


          when playing solo supp, give up early boots. you easily up cour at 3:00 and can afford buying wards whenever they are available and carry a tp always, even if you cant pull and kill some creeps.


            if I go pull, either they come and contest my pull or they go for kill on my carry. This thing is doable when the carry can last hit easily under tower or he can survive

            Should I give up boots? I feel that early boots are so important

            I'll try the tri stacking, usually I go for double pull


              spamming pulls are you trying to make him lose


                yeah who cares i should win by taking 0:00 bounty rune


                  Spamming pulls will make your carry last hit your power and also push your wave which will give the offlaner xp. It should be pull when lane pushed -> gank other lane or harass offlaner.