General Discussion

General DiscussionGood NP/ Lycan players to watch?

Good NP/ Lycan players to watch? in General Discussion
yung griphook

    So i'm pretty bad with Lycan and Nature's Prophet and want to get better with them. Do you guys have any suggestions for good players with the heroes to watch?

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      yung griphook

        Sweet gonna check out the ppd stream.

        And yeah I was looking into bulldong but I know he usually goes mid in pubs or offlane, and I was trying to learn more about jungle and itemization with the jungle build. Same with lycan. I'll have to give them a second look though.

        Sometimes it's not optimal watching pro players because their circumstances are so different. I still watch them, but it's hard to copy their laning phase and whatnot because you consistently face dual lanes in my mmr.

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          yung griphook

            That's a good point. And i've been trying to do a hybrid of all three when I play.

            I just saw a video of Smash cliff jungling in a ranked game. it's pretty cool to see stuff like that in high level mmr games.


              just cos it worked for him in one game doesn't mean it'll work for you. most likely it was just a cherry-picked game that he happened to do well in, since going 0-10 a cliff jungling furion obviously doesn't get you views.

              instead of going full damage get utility items like hex. you're much more threatening and therefore can exert more pressure on the map with a hex instead of a daedelus and since you can't crit on buildings which is your primary focus as a prophet, it's almost never the optimal item to get on him. other items also provide damage but also provide utility, while daedelus only has one use.

              mjollnir for example provides damage but also has other uses and it's a more suitable item for prophet as the aoe damage is helps him clear waves for split pushing, the active also provides further aoe damage in teamfights and can also be used for split pushing, and an early maelstrom helps him farm faster early on as the alternative to hand of midas, while getting an early crystalys is just stupid.

              necronomicon also provides extra damage, from both the int as well as the 2 summons, and the aura that the archer gives also indirectly increases damage, and the damage that necro provides helps you push faster than the damage from daedelus.

              both summons also drain mana, so there's some utility there that daedelus does not offer and the melee unit has true sight, which coupled with sprout's ability to gain vision of higher areas allows you to deward without risking a gem of true sight, a function that is synergistic with prophet's ability to control the map, and lastly the strength makes you more survivable.

              hex is just a good item no matter what, and it's probably gonna get you kills that you would have missed with daedelus due to the disable. if you have orchid and desolator already you don't need more damage.

              that's three 5k items in daedelus' price range that are almost always a better choice.

              since you're slow as hell with treads you should often consider getting blink dagger. it's good as an escape item, and also good for picking off people which then results in more map control. you can hide in trees, use sprout for flying vision, and then blink + orchid and/or hex anyone who pushes out the lane.

              phase help when you don't have blink yet, both for chasing and escaping. a lot of times just that extra burst in speed is enough to get you out of kill attempts in the early game, or to cast sprout. if you lane prophet, early phase boots give you stupid amounts of lane presence. strong harass and getting LHs + denies got even easier.