General Discussion

General DiscussionRate 6.84 on the scale of 0 to 10

Rate 6.84 on the scale of 0 to 10 in General Discussion

    And explain why.

    My grade is 9.
    I love when new stuff is introduced as well as strong buffs/nerfs, and there are tons of them in this patch. Also, current old meta gonna die once the patch releases. Why not 10? I think that the balance will be far from perfect, and there will be several additional fix patches following 6.84.


      ES nerf, new shit op items, rat.

      Giff me Wingman

        9/10 as well.

        In this patch ursa, oracle and WK are beyond broken, that's why not a 10/10. I love the new items, most changes are really nice, more teamfight heavy and so on.



          Would have liked to see more nerfs to sniper and troll and lina but overall im happy.


            Can I go minus? 6.83 was my favorite patch ever... EVER... and its ending.

            When does 84 come out?



              I have no idea how this will affect things... I see a lot of things I like, and a lot of things that are massive ????s. I have a feeling that leshrac is going to be a bit too powerful for example, but there is no way of knowing for now. ~

              EDIT: Think leshrac max lightning (1 second slow) with octarine core and a kotl spamming chakra magic for a free instant cast every 16 seconds... some of the "synergies" sound just straight up broken for some of the new items and hero buffs.

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              plz do


                1 point for less rubberband effects. finally less throws again and first won teamfight wins game -> early game more important.
                1 point for tango eats ward extra regen.
                1 point for supporterino buffs. single wards. one stack in backpack for sentry aaaand obs. also chilling touch can be dispelled by click on icon.
                1 point for GG. (guardian greaves)
                1 point for alchi agha. (wtf is dis going to do to dotka?)
                1 point for ridiculous item names. enchanted mango wtf.
                1 point for lifesteal magic dmg.

                0 points for upgrade of boots of travel (like wtf - io, np, tinker should be the only bitches teleporting around - global strats comback - but can be countered now)
                0 points for too much agha
                0 points for random icefrogging messing shiet up for casual plays by too much new shit


                  Too early to say but with all these new items there is a high chanc for a cancer hero/item combo

                  Last picking is 4 pussies


                    Patch is a little overkill on meta change and above all inflates everything you need to know by probably 2. Which IMO lessens new players adapting which already was rough.

                    Aghs upgrades none really blew my mind all just seemed like something a groups of kids thought about during a lunch.

                    Side note I like a lot of the changes just mad to see no abyssal under lord.


                      0-10 this patch is a fucking joke.



                        Personally prefer farming games. Though if I were to rate the patch out of what Icefrog probably intended to do, 10/10 he definitely achieved his earlier engagement meta.


                          1/10 still no zet or pit lord. I'm not playing this shit anymore.
                          20 new items, but can't implement 5 years old heroes. fuck off.

                          bum farto

                            I am still waiting for the day when I can play Pit Lord, I have been waiting too long for that fucking hero and I might go back to WC3 just so i can play him again.

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                              NextStep ®

                                9/10 on paper.

                                No more rubberband effect and too ez for undying.
                                Deathball meta incomin tho.


                                  Centaur aghs looks crazy tho and since i love this hero, i think this patch isn't gonna be that bad afterall xD

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    It's too early to say. Skeptically a 7/10. I'm glad there's new items and some major hero shakeups. Might be the return of int carries again. But really sad that terror blade, chaos knight and dragon knight got shit for buffs.

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      10/10 for Furion buffs.
                                      0/10 for insane overnerf on Troll and new stupidly broken Oracle ulti.


                                        I'm staring on the screen being like "wtf" for two hours so I can't really tell yet

                                        the realm's delight

                                          u cant say from patch notes how good or bad a patch is going to be.. when 683 came out everyone said sniper was the worst shit ever and now its top pick in competitive and pubs.
                                          ppl trying to rate the game right now are ignorant and stupid

                                          NextStep ®

                                            Definitely not EVERYONE.


                                              you can rate basing on anything, just your further impression may be different. It doesn't make you dumb though. Predictions and forecasts are a good way to train your analytical skills.


                                                i say 9/10
                                                i really expected patch to be same shit as always and im so surprised, only one word comes to mind, stability.
                                                no more shits that solo win games.

                                                and i really dont think ursa will be a problem, he's still ursa, easy to kite. its not a fuckin troll who runs into you with 522 ms and even with items like eul fs/ghost you still cant get away.

                                                i would have noted 10/10 if it wasnt for the "flashy useless nerf ( es/storm).
                                                thats typically the nerfs offered to all the whiners just so they stop cry.

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                                                  slark not buffed = trash patch 1/10 not worth the read


                                                    he is buffed, indirectly, cuz the hardcarries are out, u see if he added a real buff to him, it'd be an indirect overbuff, but he took it in consideration this time :))

                                                    i think this meta is really good, u can pick 80 out of 100heroes again and not only 10to win.

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                                                      This is going to be a really interesting patch to say the least. I'm really excited to see what kind of new strategies will come up.

                                                      And I agree with next step, death ball meta or extreme mid/safe lane gank oriented strategies will probably be prevalent.