General Discussion

General DiscussionMost OP Stream Ever

Most OP Stream Ever in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    I will start streaming on a regular basis from today 7PM cet. I usually went and streamed casually but now i thought i might give it a shot to stream as much as possible.

    Information about me:
    My name is Robert aka Blunt, i am 24 years old and I'm from Denmark. I have made a couple of 5k acounts and have my main on 6k. My highest mmr i've ever gotten was 6537 when i played Terrorblade and Meepo. I played Dota 2 for a couple of years and have played around 10.000 games, despite never having played Dota 1, I still learned very fast and became one of the best players in the world.

    About the Stream:
    I will be streaming a lot of things, inhouse, league games, pub and so on. I don't really have a specific theme going on like purge (who got the 'ima teach u doto' theme going on), i'd say it really is random, sometimes i feel like tryharding, sometimes trolling and sometimes just having fun with my viewers. I would like to have some interaction with my viewers, since i do see a lot of streamers ignore their viewers. Not only do i play with viewers but i will also give some free coaching a couple of times a month for some lucky viewers out there who want to improve themselves.

    I decided to start coaching. I've coached a lot of people for free and gained a lot of experience over the time. Now that i start to need some money for equipment (new keyboard, mouse, webcam etc.) i thought this might be the perfect chance to make a little bit money for myself. I only charge 5$/session because I want to make a name for myself I will probably change it after some time. I hope that I will get more students for now and make some people happy.

    If you have questions, feedback or suggestions feel free to post below. I will try and answer them as good as possible.



      nobody cares


        Good luck.


          Gl 3k noob, i might join sometimes so you dont carry DingDong and others alone :D

          3 booty cheeks

            So, just curious. Have you showed your 6k mmr yet?

            Giff me Wingman

              Streaming now


                Ye, he's rly 6k.

                Giff me Wingman

                  no shit sherlock

                  kvasius # KSVM

                    And I'm actually 4k. Kappa.


                      well 5.5k=/=6k, but its also not 3k.


                        I have to be honest you play like shit

                        Maybe your having a bad day but that was an awful meepo

                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                          OP stream, plz nerf. I know you don't own his computer or recording programs, Volvo, but break into his house and piss on his hardware.


                            hahaahahahahahhahahhhaha. you really did it, poor guy, u shoud have bought acc from someone invisible not edko ;/

                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                              Ego = Smashed


                                6k? you cant even last hit wtf is this


                                  you can pay me to coach me.


                                    some one said in chat something about account and he went offline


                                      Why take tips from 4k EU player? You'll get worse.


                                        idk what is the point of faking your mmr anyway? no one cares


                                          Highest mmr on Blunt I ever seen was 4800 on his smurf ( If it was his as well ROFL ) I think his main account is at 4300-4400 mmr at best. Its really sad that he waste money to buy 6k account is hilarious rofl.

                                          Pom Pom 🍕

                                            was the other thread removed?


                                              yeah what happened to that one


                                                Blunt pays dotabuff admins as well to hide a thread :D AHAHHAHAHAHAH kappa

                                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                  Well it's obvious that blunt bought his account from pro player called edko. Honestly it takes someone pretty mentally unstable to buy an account of that high rating over delusion, let's just feel sorry for him instead of making fun of him.


                                                    I hope he is going to kill himself

                                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                                      @ 吹簫人去玉樓空
                                                      Who are you?


                                                        Mango eating player


                                                          is this the first time a thread got removed? o.o


                                                            Rofl, dont you guys understand what actually happened? :D

                                                            First, Havoc makes a topic about Blunt, how he got acc from etc guy, then i wrote a post to him and he actually admits Allison fuckin boosted his account cause he could never get 5k alone (and he doesnt even care about mmr he said). So he makes himself look very stupid and thats why he deletes whole topic like OP can always do. We all know admins almost never delete topics here cause users make 10000 useless topics every day and it's not a problem.

                                                            For all that you missed the best part of the topic - i made a prtscr so enjoy. You can thank me later and btw - Havocs party is 3.8k atm while a trash Danish guy climbed easily from 4.2k to 5.5k solo in few weeks while he still spent 250$ on account 500mmr higher :)

                                                            casual gamer

                                                              dotabuff drama so good

                                                              Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                I don't really care about this mmr penis drama, but I was gonna say I find it really crazy how someone would sell their account they played 5400 matches on for like 250 dollars. Even for $500+ it doesn't sound worth it considering how much time you've spend on it, then give away all your progress to some random guy with a big wallet.



                                                                  > I was being ironic because you assumptions are hilarious that Allison boosted my account.
                                                                  > The fact that I didn't solo doesn't mean I wasn't able do solo and get higher.
                                                                  > I removed the post out of consideration because I probably shouldn't have been too hasty. I would suggest you do the same.

                                                                  Don't jump to conclusions.


                                                                    dam , this BLUNT guy seems almost as insecure as WAVE

                                                                    Wonder if hes also into anime sex and posting on dota forums 24/7 flaming actually better players ;D

                                                                    poor kids

                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                      ^llmfaoo the comparaison is real, i did it myself

                                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                        @Sam - to get your account boosted (so i 've heard) is the same as buying high mmr account so your topic about bought Blunt's account is as likely correct as the assumption about Allisons work (be sure i'll make a good research on that one tho). If a guy can climb for 1.3k in few weeks on his smurf (Meepo or storm abuse, it doesnt matter) and then buys acc 500 mmr higher - how does that makes sense? Are you even listening to yourself?

                                                                        So either he bought his 6k acc AND pay good money to someone to boost his smurf from 4.2k to 5.5k while i was talking to him occasionally OR he is good enough player to do that himself. I've seen his 6k solo and 5.5k on his smurf, but i've never ever seen your 5k and i doubt anyone had - only 3.8k party few days back. And a legit 5k player would never have party that low while playing with 3k's like Tonkz on daily basis.

                                                                        Btw - i have nothing against you, we played few easy games together few days back, it's just that you sound as crazy as Blunt does when it comes to this topic and he's one of the best trolls on this forum :)


                                                                          ^ofc a legit player could have shit party.
                                                                          most of my friends have shit party, cuz guess what, no one decent gives a shit about party.

                                                                          and idk why u keep talking about havoc, he has nothing to do with whats going on.

                                                                          +trust me, a 6k+ player wouldnt give a fuck about recognition on this forum.

                                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                            I've never seen a 5k player that plays mostly party games (like Havoc does), to have 3.8k party mmr. Ofc people that do mostly solo couldn't care less about their party mmr, but we're not talking about that kind of player here. Actually, i dont even fuckin care and i dont know why i'm wasting my sleep here, cause those mmr topics are pointless. Everyone has to live with his own consciousness in the end of the day and carry his own lies and weight so fuck it.

                                                                            No hate, just love boys, lets be fuckin lol players for a second and love each other =)

                                                                            "and idk why u keep talking about havoc, he has nothing to do with whats going on." - he made a topic about how Blunt bought his acc and then deleted it, so i guess you didnt see that.

                                                                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                              so he revealed the truth and then removed his topic for x reason, what does it do to you ?

                                                                              oh and i get it now, why you bought this acc, it was an investement.

                                                                              "get 6k+ acc > win credibility on low fucks > get their money by coaching em " - ez
                                                                              seems like deja vu to me

                                                                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                1k, 2k, 3k, 4k doesnt matter yall we all out here getting monay

                                                                                NextStep ®

                                                                                  Seldom visit this site as of late...
                                                                                  And when i do, BANG! Dramas everywhere~ This place is awesome. NICE.


                                                                                    @1234 I'm not sure how you can be a forum troll and literally buy a 6k mmr account. I highly doubt he's even 5k... go watch his replays.

                                                                                    NextStep ®

                                                                                      Seriously, if the pro player really sold the account to blunt and exposed him.
                                                                                      It's really evil. Why so cruel?


                                                                                        My  name  is  Robert  aka  Blunt,  i  am  24  years  old  and  I'm  from  Denmark.  I  have  made  a  couple  of  5k  acounts  and  have  my  main  on  6k.  My  highest  mmr  i've  ever  gotten  was  6537  when  i  played  Terrorblade  and  Meepo.  I  played  Dota  2  for  a  couple  of  years  and  have  played  around  10.000  games,  despite  never  having  played  Dota  1,  I  still  learned  very  fast  and  became  one  of  the  best  players  in  the  world.

                                                                                        Ples no pasterino

                                                                                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                          guys lets talk about how i lose games in 2k mmr party!


                                                                                          anyone selling 7k accounts here????????


                                                                                            Dango my boy, where the fucks your farm :D

                                                                                            Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                                              was that a support storm?


                                                                                                ofc it was support storm, i said they were 2k mmr xD


                                                                                                  My name is Robert aka Blunt, i am 24 years old and I'm from Denmark. I have made a couple of 5k acounts and have my main on 6k. My highest mmr i've ever gotten was 6537 when i played Terrorblade and Meepo. I played Dota 2 for a couple of years and have played around 10.000 games, despite never having played Dota 1, I still learned very fast and became one of the best players in the world.

                                                                                                  Ples no pasterino x2



                                                                                                    Where is the shittalk.


                                                                                                      Best in the world


                                                                                                        My name is Robert aka Blunt, i am 24 years old and I'm from Denmark. I have made a couple of 5k acounts and have my main on 6k. My highest mmr i've ever gotten was 6537 when i played Terrorblade and Meepo. I played Dota 2 for a couple of years and have played around 10.000 games, despite never having played Dota 1, I still learned very fast and became one of the best players in the world.