General Discussion

General DiscussionFloyd Mayweather Jr vs Manny Pacquiao

Floyd Mayweather Jr vs Manny Pacquiao in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    'fighter with 5' reach has quite the comfort and can land a jab anytime he wants. '

    Because that is exactly how it works. My god you are so dumb it saddens me to think of the pathetic life you must lead. Longer arms are the key to boxing. You just jab and run and you win every match why haven't anyone else though of that.

    Last picking is 4 pussies

      Neither of us could find the " button ;)

      You should post some Mayweather highlights and Im guessing more people would rather watch Mike Tysons Punchout on Nintendo.


        "somebody should tell mayweather he's supposed to hug his wife and punch the guy in the ring not the other way around" LMFAO


          This is boxing..

          @Sampson "You just jab and run and you win every match why haven't anyone else though of that."

          @Zenoth "anyway you'll notice that mayweather's stats are mostly padded with jabs that didn't contribute significantly to the fight except score points... the jab differential accounts for most of the gap"

          and everyone saw how flawed this sport is..

          It seems to me that we're just giving a Defensive boxer the edge that if he does not get beaten up, he will win?