General Discussion

General DiscussionDual party mmr ruin solo matchmaking

Dual party mmr ruin solo matchmaking in General Discussion

    Seriosly always 2 guys party in my team with 5k mmr and plays like 3k always. It`s of course they just having fun and throw because its not their solo mmr. It`s kinda ugly not in some games but almost every game one dual queue in teams on both sides..

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    Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

      Did you know "I have" a thread on 3 pages about this?

      But I never thought about the risk of thriwing team MMR. Very good point.


        It's true. I don't try hard at all when I party with friends. I use it to try new heroes


          It depends on who it is. I know some people really want to win in party. Others don't care. Valve should make it so party and solo ranked are never mixed. But they still have not learned. At least now I don't keep getting 5 stack vs soloes.

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            i grinded 400 party mmr with the same guy. 2 stacks ftw.


                Me playing dual party with a friend Kappa. Even i would wish for such a dual stacks when i play my solo :)



                  ^ >space created!


                    the other day triplesteal invite me to party and it was a terrible experience... its like they want/play to lose. Ofc not triplesteal but his friends. And before that too! @1234 invite me to party and srsly people make winning so fucking hard they do whatever and its fucking shit!

                    there's a reason i fucking hate stacks and whenever i get them in my team i lose.


                      ^triple has the most 3kish friends ever.
                      its not the fact that they are 3k, but the fact that they want to go mid or some useless woods and pretend like they play good.


                        Most Dota players are brainless kids, who are bad even at high mmr, so you have to get lucky to actually get descent people who play to win. It's a mindset that is extremely important at games in general and it allows you to improve really fast if you follow it. Most people play to have fun, and ofc it's important. But for me personally it's equally (if not more) important trying to play good and win the game.

                        Ya aFeect - we're space makers Kappa :D


                          Benao - actually Blunt invited you to his party last time :D but i agree, it was fuckin hard to win even in low priority :)


                            we can give it another try when i play with ~5k+ guys.

                            @dark flame master
                            all my irl friends are 3k, if we dont count them, i got a normal quantity of 3k ppl in my friendlist, and I enjoy playing with most of them. And you are still top1 Worst Winrate Dude 2016 for me despite being not 3k lmao. Y u no cari mi ;(

                            "5k mmr and play like a 3k" - I easily recognize myself in this description (no kappa). sorry for all of us.

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                                we lost cause you got desperate

                                when you got a team full of noobs friend or you're lower skilled than the opponent and losing like we were losing! the answer is NOT SMOKE and die outsise of base, what you gotta do is turtle, fight battles with surprise factor in enclosed spaces and make sure skill doesn't prevail! chaos! thats the answer... but you guys just fed in woods and gg


                                  dance as if no one is looking
                                  love as if it was the last day of eart
                                  blame others as if you played decent yourself


                                    sometimes people perform well, sometimes not. if you will flame them each time they fail, eventually you'll find out no one wants to deal with you.
                                    also you might have same quantity of bad games as everyone else of your mmr which is not that high to let you look down on 3ks.

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