General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you have a compendium?

Do you have a compendium? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I buy tons of PC games off steam sales and humble bundles so money's not as issue. But it looks like this years is more of a pain in the ass than anything. I regret not buying previous ones but don't think this one is worth it. I have probably spent about $25 over three years in various dota items, mostly sets on sale for a couple bucks.

    Look at me, Hector.

      if money isnt an issue gift 3 random ppl in this thread a compendium


        i am in this thread, kappa


          filthy what do u do for a living 24$ /h , and where u from


            I bought it last week and in around 30 matches I just got one point drop, at this point I'd need 120 matches per level, just insane... I dont care much about the sets nd stuff, and I bought it to support Dota2, but if you buy it to get the items I don't think is worth it.