General Discussion

General DiscussionLuna question

Luna question in General Discussion

    How to balance damage passive with bounce passive?

    When do you level what, after which level do you get bounce, like lvl 8? Start farming jungle + lane then?


      ulti 2

      get treads aquilla dominator, if you're getting doubled by zombie+ smth or some annoying shit get poor mans shield, nice dmg + nice block (sideshop)

      try to stack with dominator, but only if you're ahead, else it usually gets stole (ancients)
      get yasha ->manta
      i like to go crits (crystalys) before anything else, like completing daedelus/bkb

      but you may need a bkb, depending on the game!
      if you got a team focused on you, you might want butterfly instead (i dont recommend it much) ->i usually get it after manta+bkb+crits



        3 bounces for to clear any camp, 2 points passive (you only need one for the night vision), it doesnt scale anyway. max beam and ulti.

        and like he says above treads aquila dominator. i will buy manta or bkb next, bkb if its hard stuns, manta if they have silences or orchid carriers. than butterfly satanic. i will buy raw damage item like crit or something last, but honestly the game should be over before youre buying a daedalus. get her manta and push to end the game, you only need to get one t3 down before you can stand on the highground and totally rape the base.

        matrice is right also in that you dont wnat to put bounces in early because it pushes the lane even at one point.

        thats why i have the 2 points damage, id rather have the extra damage at level 5, than the stats. but thats just me.

        at 7 ill be 4-0-2-1

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          one level in damage, then max bounce (you'd want to keep some lvl before using it to not push the lane

          like at level 7, being 4-0-1-1 1 remaining skill.

          basically, you can skip the 3 last level of the aura for stat, so you are more tanky.


            I know the item build, I was just curious about the skill build, thanks.

            So things to keep in mind is, push or no.
            Stats or lvl 2 3 4 aura.

            I prefer lvl 4 aura to +6 to all since it helps the team also, it should then be considered weather you have right clickers or something.


              You didn't get exactly what i meant. My build at level 8 is


              It's just that i kept the skill point for latter, without using it.


                Oooh, thats some next level shit.

                Btw i randomed Luna, got 5 min midas and lost the game.

                Did some mistakes in the skillbuild but that's not the reason of lose, I just don't understand how the hero works, and I didn't really have space for farm.

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  As matrice said. One level of aura is enough but glavies push the lane so you either get 2 in aura and skill glavies at 8 or save a point and skill them before you go to jungle.

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                    you shouldnt go midas... games can end in 20 min and what are you gonna do with a midas + 1 item?


                      midas is not worth it on carry


                        Midas is a shit item for one pos heroes

                        The last point of glaives is very value since it doubles the number of bounces, and now the glaives got fixed to bounce between two targets non-stop even when attack speed is low

                        I recommend 4-4-1, sometimes I will go 3-4-1 depending on pace of the game even

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                          i like to man up so that's why i max the vision passive! 1v1 fights and shit so that dmg rly helps me

                          i look savoury with little hp but i hit like a truck ;) -> + if i have aquilla+poormans im more tanky than i look like and i hit haaaaaard


                            Luna is pretty bad at early fights alone without eclipse no matter what build you go... You can only really mitigate that with farm though

                            Anyway aura max first is still pretty strong for push strats that aim to knock down towers after towers. If you wanna manfight don't pick Luna, she's one of the worst man fighting heroes

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                              cuz eclipse and beam are badass as early as possible, later when then the bkbs come out they're not as useful plus farm heroes get moree gold with eclipse


                                level aura if you haven't taken the tower yet/you have supports to harass the enemy/want to do an early rosh (in this case, you're giving + dmg to your supports and the extra damage helps pushing/hurting the tower/killing the big guy)

                                keep aura lvl 1 and level glaives if you want to go full farm mode

                                if you want to fight early, go Hao's everyagicarry build (treads, aquila, drums, wand, mango)


                                  as long as its not 1v3+ then luna is pretty good manfighting this meta!

                                  Those luna nukes are a lot of dmg and she hits hard so yeah... i like to play her like that, fake weak with lots of dmg ;). Mby get a wand to be on the safe side as they shouldnt be able to insta burst you early game


                                    notice thats just me... i like to play sf with madness skady crits so... i dont go euls and shit


                                      go farm go farm go farm
                                      you will rekt them


                                        so hard to farm in normal


                                          I personally farm hod then rush bkb while 5 manning with the team

                                          skill buiolds something like eqqwqrqwwerwee-r----