General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is clinkz win rate so low.

Why is clinkz win rate so low. in General Discussion

    I've played him a couple games and he seems strong Don't see why his win rate so low.


      you have only played him once recently and you got carried by your qop in that game

      and his winrate is probably low because majority of players are bad players who can't farm well, go offlane with him and try to rush a naked orchid and still get it at a late timing. soul ring + desolator's where it's at. even if you don't go deso you should still get soul ring, it's like a 800g midas.

      Pom Pom 🍕

        He's too reliant on his ultimate for normal skill players to play him well. Without the ultimate he's extremely fragile (and with most players going for purely dps as two first items rather than bkb as second he really needs that buff), and needs soul ring or bottle to keep it up at all times. His winrate is better in higher brackets.

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          Had to play him for the "10 hero challenge" and then randomed him once again. I bought the items which i've seen on TheSummit3:

          I dont think either SoulRing or Domi would be in his Suggested item build, but these are so legit.
          13 minutes in, 1500HP 15armor and shitton of base dmg

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Searing Arrows need to cost less mana.


              that hero sucks dick, offlane wasted instead of tide, magnus, puck

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              Pom Pom 🍕

                I thought he was played more safelane.

                Dire Wolf

                  cus people insist on offlaning him solo and he gets killed too easily with one ward/dust. He's actually a pretty good safe laner and a really good mid. Also people do dumb shit like try to solo gank with him just like they try with bounty and riki. Bounty and riki have a ton of team fight utility and don't solo gank that well. Clinkz has tons of dmg and is a good tower killer, you don't have to just roam and gank with him.


                    If you get a fast medallion on him you can 3 shot any carry/support with lvl 6


                      because clinkz can only right click people.
                      and easy to get countered
                      also useless without ult


                        I am going to start playing him I think, my impression is that people don't take advantage of his ability to kill towers enough, and focus to much on ganking.


                          However I can also see him becoming kinda worthless if he is placed as a solo offlaner and I bet this happens a lot.

                          Dire Wolf

                            Yes that's it exactly, use him like you would use drow and he should do a lot better.


                              Because u hit arrows, but, without an slow is harder to get a kill


                                My guess would be that noobs (99.99% of dota players) forget to use ult.

                                Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                  ^ You consider yourself as a noob who forgets to use ult? xD


                                    What are you talking about? :O