General Discussion

General Discussionwow another nerf on undying . fuck you icefrog

wow another nerf on undying . fuck you icefrog in General Discussion
Im the Bully of my School

    and on mekansm :( wtf.. just when i was in the vhs. now time to spam ursa


      It sure is very high skilled to play retardely easy and strong hero indeed.


        I know you cry cause you're an undiying spamer who grind a lot of mmr with it and now you'll drop down to your actually mmr. You wonder why you have 85% winrate with him this month and your other best heroes are around 50%? Say hello to 2k boy, it's coming soon.


          "your real mmr" doesn't exist.


            He grinded 700mmr last month only due to spamming broken undiying, with his other heroes his winrate in ranked is 50%. You need more calculations?

            Im the Bully of my School


              Im the Bully of my School

                hey its my main and FIRST account stop with the win rate bullshit. it was 5 year ago or something liek that :). i can ez stay at 4k

                Im the Bully of my School

                  i have 6% abandon on like 1600 game that liuke 100 game i just randomly left cuz i felt bored years ago too xd


                    Guess what ? Hero is still OP in pubs, maybe even in competitive.

                    Im the Bully of my School

                      NICE! ima keep spamming him

                      Im the Bully of my School

                        yea they only nerfed 100 hp of the tombstone. that like almost nothing. but they nerfed meka. even if i always go guardain greave. still that they 1650 gold to get this recipe meanwhile i have mekasnm and arcane boot. still undying is the road for everyone to be in vhs as i proved. go offlane guardain greave spam soul rip and tomb in fights and greave. gg. also you can have venomancer by your side offlane. it good if its veno or some good hero . you just ask in solo pub if some1 can veno and a qop mid if they can and ur set

                        Im the Bully of my School

                          some bad undying use decay in teamfight first. that a no no ! i saw some international 2015 do it. like your ally is at 100 hp and he doesnt soul rip. if he soul rip ur ally gain like + 600 health and can fight longer or even survive and kill shit. alway use soul rip first on allys in teamfight or urself or ur tomb if attacked :). decay after and greave if you have it first with soul rip. then tomb and decay it still save your ally life.


                            Congrats to VHS!

                            Im the Bully of my School

                              ^ thx . yep i am now officialy a very high skilled dota player



                                plz do

                                  burn his useless shit of piece mana and make him worthless. like that kid i stole that lollipop from on the playground.

                                  The Ice Truck Killer

                                    So grind +700mmr and then drop down to 2k with 50% w/r on other heroes.. yep Deadweight confirmed mathematical prodigy


                                      Shut it you 2k retard, you dont even understand what i'm talking about. Nice double low priority in past days tho, congrats on your achievement.

                                      waku waku

                                        ursa is stronger than undying anyway



                                          What does that even mean? Ursa and Undying aren't even similar heroes--you can't really say one is "better" than the other.

                                          The Ice Truck Killer

                                            Congrats on failing high school Xd

                                            Im the Bully of my School

                                              i think another reason apart spamming undying that i won 700+ mmr is becuz i played alot of 4.6k mmr games on my bought account and playing against good players make you better at the game!


                                                Can you link me your 4.6k profile so i can mute and dont get it in my solo que pls xD

                                                Im the Bully of my School

                                                  still 63% even at that mmr
                                                  (with ud)


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                                                  Im the Bully of my School

                                                    but no worry im USEAST only