General Discussion

General DiscussionPA in 6,84

PA in 6,84 in General Discussion
Low Expectations

    I like to play her in the offlane (solarcrest->vlads->deso->AC). Feels like the hero is awful with the added items, silver edge seems to completly destroy the hero. Slark/DK or any of these inferior manfighters destroy her now.
    Anyone knows why she has such extreme increase in pickrate in 6,84c?


      good thing the bitch is dead now. that blur was retarded


        shit's become the 3rd most picked hero in dota of all time

        Low Expectations

          ^Fun hero to play why are you hating. She is was very easly counterable before now its just like every hero counters her (the once that didnt before just get silver edge)


            Shes a good 2-3. Also a good 1 depending on line ups but shes more situational now unlike an easy win in the past.


              I think people are picking her cuz sniper and troll suck really hard now, and she is a rightclicker who can snowball. the troll & sniper people had to migrate somewhere.


                ofc, best item on her is headdress. Also, dagger is a shit ability, so don't take it

                i love u butt

                  troll hasn't fallen off much, troll is still pretty much troll from 6.83.

                  just no vision and slightly less dmg during ulti


                    Why would you buy Solar Crest on PA?


                      @I love you butt

                      The rubberband mechanics changed and so troll got nerfed quite a bit there, he needs a good early game to dominate now


                        domi bkb basher + abysal/satanik/bfury. this is the oldest and best pa build ever. sometimes vladi/desolator works too

                        plz do

                          early medallion is also ok if farm is bad and u need early rosh. also u can build into solarcrest if needed. most times it is not needed and u wanna get precious lifesteal to farm and precious bkb. Also she farms veeery slow, so if u need to contest lategame w farmin up 6 slots asap, get bf or mjollnir.

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                          Low Expectations

                            solarcrest on PA offlane is amaing

                            Dire Wolf

                              Enemies already going to rush mkb agains't pa, isn't crest kind of overkill? Medallion should be enough.

                              Low Expectations

                                I like solar crest because I can get rosh as soon as I get it. Also it seems like a logical order of item choices. Again, this is not a build to carry but to gank, I have not seen mkbs made vs me untill the lategame(35min) and thats fine but when I have enemy DK comming with Silver Edge at 20-22 min I cant literally do shit.
                                That item is waay too good vs some heros.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Oh that's a good point, the edge disables your ability but not the item dodge? Is that true?

                                  Pom Pom 🍕

                                    A bit late, but silver edge only disables abilities, not items. So evasion from butterfly or solar crest are not broken by silver edge, even though blur and panda passive are disabled. So yeah if someone gets silver edge to counter you as PA, buying evasion or daedalus will still make you crit and evade.

                                    casual gamer

                                      idk if its worth spending 3000 gold for an item that will be partly negated by mkb, deso is a similar cost with +damage and no redundant evasion

                                      the only thing that silver edge changes is that bkb is more core and refresher/manta are more appealing

                                      in this patch i wouldnt go anything other than vlad/hotd -> bkb with MAYBE a deso or basher before bkb

                                      its a real shame they nerfed basher for PA though

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                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        Most of the heroes that are popular this patch aren't that good with Silver Edge so if you go for an early game fighting build, she could still work.


                                          Pa offlane doesn't work in brackets over 4000 mmr.

                                          I think it used to be very nice before, I used to get Basilius, Brown Boots and BFury by 18 minutes +lvl 11.

                                          As I said, this doesn't work above 4k...

                                          They will pull and deny so much before you get lvl 5 to get 100% creeps with dagger.

                                          casual gamer

                                            i think it can sometimes work in 4k, if you plant ur obs right 4ks wont be able to deward even w/ sentries, and more importantly half the time theres some trash safelane (earthshaker + melee carry) and a jungler

                                            just because it works doesnt mean you should do it though, you cant go jungle if they fuck ur lane, ur only escape sucks, ur squishy to magic, and ur hero blows w/o farm (basically a walking 2/3 uptime single target slow)

                                            compare usefulness to something like a clockwerk for example


                                              Isn't PA extremely trash in this meta against all the heavy burst/magic focused gameplay? I mean, it could work in captains mode lastpick or some shit, but I don't see it work in a normal game.

                                              "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                                Pretty much the same hero. Not sure how people find her fun. I mean if they though Sniper was just right clicks at least he has his ult. PA is just right click all day.

                                                casual gamer

                                                  you have 800 games of kotl

                                                  how is playing kotl for the 801st time less boring than pa

                                                  "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                                    cause kotl has actual spells

                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                      Silver edge is a debuff, right? Can you purge it off with Diffusal Blade?

                                                      ED WUNCLER

                                                        nah u cant

                                                        Pom Pom 🍕

                                                          Silver edge is both purgeable and blocked by bkb.


                                                            she's great in the trench if you don't play her as a battlefury lategame hard carry. bottle, HoD with alpha wolf, and phase can go a long way during the first 20 minutes.