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    They could just run away frm me so i went diffu as we were winning early to get kills

    Putsy McCoy

      Tiny lost you the game. What the hell are those items?

      Palmen aus Plastik

        ah, the good old Luna SD. The Luna just went OFF there. Guess you did your job, boss.


          well, i don't think yhey could kill you late game


            be thankful you can play all pick
            Looks like a neat outplay; your Nyx Assassin...well...
            im out


              I just realized wut ur doing
              And u just fucked everything up cuz neither me nor the guy who fucking analyzed u before got their own analysis. U do not have to reply and if u do, say SKIP ME, so people SKIP YOU. Ty.

              I will no look at @procrastinations game.
              I would consider going dagon and maybe even eblade if that's what u need to blink and destroy tinker
              Otherwise he does way too much against ur team. The game went way too long and u guys fed tinker too much without having good solutions for him. Bad matchups too, necro vs tinker, and weaver vs bloodseeker, etc. This game is winnable but u needed to win it hard from the start.


                Typical sf game snowballing out of control with insane damage which won you the game early, arc warden offlane?


                  ^bro sf was on the other team wut?
                  SKIP ME


                    ^I kinda framed it wrong lemme rephrase u won because the enemy team couldnt handle the sf and just fed him who goes 1-8 with pudge?

                    Potato Marshal

                      Don't understand normal skill bracket's obsession with heart is. So many better items in that situation like force, shadowblade, or shivas. Should've just built around the fact that there were no supports in that match

                      Bad Intentions

                        Impactful Ogre Magi Game.

                        Solid tangibles, good gpm, xpm warding.

                        Standard effective OM items.

                        Good job in not dying too much.

                        Was a stomp but you did your job and positively contributed to Dires win.


                          Ez 5-0. Another TB game gone right for you.

                          Forget me not

                            Your enemy party pick 3 core that needed too long to come online but with support that can helps early kill with disrupted and tusk. Not really a cohesive draft and your team pick early game dominator such as sf and centa safelane nice one crushing all enemy core early game.


                              Couldve picked better offlane hero, the enemy have too much disable and youre laning against am, altought you win the lane. Overall good item and farm for an offlaner but should have changed your MoM for better item, that item is really bad if their carry have build their dammage.


                                Good overall. Good farm, good damage (heroes and buildings), and good net worth. If I were you, I'd probably have gotten BoTs, but it seems like you did fine without them.


                                  Solo carried the game could have won if u could get more tower damage and focus on pushing but u didn't even itemise like that which lost u the game. A linkin was was the lost piece of ur puzzle


                                    You had nothing really to purge. I would have maybe gone BKB and blink instead of a manta. Still, you did your best your illus probably just melted to luna and their aoe. And I just realized your draft is pretty greedy. Gl next


                                      Reported techies player. Skip me


                                        storm carried you

                                        you might have prevented a tier 2 push, might scared the enemy from pushing at all. didnt effect the outcome of the game tho probably.
                                        low hero dmg, bad kda

                                        techies remains my every game ban as long as ppl play the hero like that

                                        Bad Intentions

                                          Solid clock game.

                                          Tangibles are ok, gpm and xpm are ok. bd couldve been better.

                                          seems you did a lot of setting up in this game which is good.

                                          did not die too much considering youre clock.

                                          sexy spirit vessel pickup.

                                          very effective game and a key contributor to your teams win.


                                            @Bad Intentions : I can't fucking believe you win with this line up. Haha !

                                            Bad Intentions

                                              ^lol yea, if you looked at the graph, it was 30 mins of pain :]


                                                Lanto.leftplayer good abaddon game. Actually a great addition to your team. Gj keeping your cores alive. You can really nullify anything the other team throws at them really and tvey cant focus you either. Abaddon can stomp if conditions are right


                                                  Notice me senpai :3

                                                  100% WINRATE MASTER

                                                    senpai noticed u :) roaming wins games most of the time. check out my roaming sf


                                                      Nice stomp with sf. Jakiro had more damage than u,wtf?
                                                      P.S stop playing turbo. Too much turbo a day keeps the mmr away.

                                                      100% WINRATE MASTER

                                                        yeah coz im just a roamer. jak is the offlaner. and pa is the mid

                                                        Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                        Bad Intentions

                                                          Good Jug game.

                                                          Insane amounts of farm. Monster HD and TDs. Strange that you did not use healing wards.

                                                          Standard items, nothing to fancy, just effective.

                                                          Great comeback win and certainly a big part of your teams win.


                                                            @bad intensions I spammed my healing ward throughout the game but that does not count as heal.

                                                            Bad Intentions

                                                              Got cha


                                                                is this gonna be three juggernauts in a row?
                                                                Anyway, great tangibles. Your items are good, though I would personally have gotten a bkb. Seems like you pushed a lot, which is good. Nice game overall.
                                                                ^ about @positive player

                                                                Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                Bad Intentions

                                                                  ^you skipped me! :O


                                                                    You posted your comment before I finished mine

                                                                    Bad Intentions

                                                                      I see, now please analyze my second to last game pls..


                                                                        Wish I had the motivation to spam one hero like that.

                                                                        Your tangibles are excellent, as is the fact that you did well in lane against a clinkz. The phase boots are...odd...but your other items are good.


                                                                          Good game with jugg but the itemization and tower damage are a bit off. Manta would have been better since 2 enemy heros had orchid and a bkb is really not that recommended on jugg sice ur spin has a really low cd. Tower damage was pretty low according to me but i guess luna should have pushed for u while u were fighting.


                                                                            You guys were heavily outdrafted seems with all the tanky people to frontline drow just ran the game.


                                                                              you shut down that dusa hard. even if she gets items she could always just lose all her mana so you made that a hard game for her with lion and bane as well. not that dominating but good win. I don't see that many ODs in pubs but you got to win with I'm and in the end thats the best outcome.

                                                                              offlaner ≠ carry

                                                                                10.0 KDA on Underlord.

                                                                                Game seemed balanced until that XP advantage hike at 25 minute. The supports on your team were good, too.
                                                                                That 18' SnY 23' BF Juggernaut looks a bit lost with his itemization.

                                                                                P.S. comment on the PA game pls

                                                                                Цей коментар був відредагований


                                                                                  16-9 PA. I guess you performed okay that game, however your itemization is quite bad. Orchid for who? Why forcestaff? no BKB against so many stuns? Most importantly, you didn't farm at all. 61 lasthits after almost 40 minutes as a carry is very bad, and won't win you many more games in the future. Try to work on your farming.

                                                                                  I know this sounds negative, just giving you some feedback, have a good day!

                                                                                  offlaner ≠ carry

                                                                                    @BURBAN-: I was in a lane with Luna (who is my friend in a party) and I decided to go support (Disruptor only bought 1 ward in 13 minutes; as a usual support player I gotta do something). I was thinking I would build Orchid to jump on Enigma/Magnus and silence him before he drops Black Hole/RP, but didn't get the chance.

                                                                                    Support PA, because why not? Haha.

                                                                                    P.S. Next commenter please comment on BURBAN-'s game. Skip me.


                                                                                      burban too bad on that MK game, I feel like that hero can shit on your team until the other carry inevitably beats him in other ways, case in point, splitpushimg by am. your team just couldn't keep up probably. better luck next time


                                                                                        Nice core build with omni going for phase into drums securing kills early on and snowballing the game. Nice tower damage.
                                                                                        Edit: Ur legend 3 still normal skill games??

                                                                                        Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                                        Forget me not

                                                                                          As a bs I won't want the game to be more than 35 mins. Is that a jungle bs game? I don't know what to say cause I'm suck whenever I play bs jungle.

                                                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                                          Bad Intentions

                                                                                            Good Rubic performance girl playa'

                                                                                            Starting with the tangibles, good gpm, xpms as rubic

                                                                                            Good euls pickup, should be standard but u got it, which is great

                                                                                            Warding is good, and overall good job in being effective and not dying too much.

                                                                                            Overall, a key contributor to your teams win.


                                                                                              skip me rate guy above me :)
                                                                                              @spank me daddy yeah Im like in between or something. I probably dropped a bit because of a losing streak. Ironically enough I climbed to legend 3 after a WINNING streak and it just sort of balanced out lol. I don't really understand it but I can get either High or normal skill games everytime I queue

                                                                                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                                @girl gamer i never jungle we couldnt end the game fast beacaue I was the offlane and was farm deprived cause rubick and mk combo is pretty good. And my pa was outright braindead she made an orchid before bkb which delayed the game a lot


                                                                                                  solid victory gj =)

                                                                                                  Bad Intentions

                                                                                                    Tough loss on the slark game.

                                                                                                    Decent tangibles gpm, xpm and hd.

                                                                                                    Standard Slark items nothing too fancy.

                                                                                                    Seems you died a lot here, with probably risky playmaking.

                                                                                                    At the end of the Day, fat medu is just too much for your team.


                                                                                                      Its my fault that we lost game mostly because i didnt pushed when i was fat enough to end the game (their pudge was a big factor tho he was good) also that lina raped my slark all through the game

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!