General Discussion

General Discussionhow to solo lane Jugg against Bristle pig?

how to solo lane Jugg against Bristle pig? in General Discussion

    I had a Juggernaut game last night where I solo laned against a Bristleback.

    My starting items were:
    - Circlet, Stout Shield, Tango, Branch
    - Poor Man's Shield, Magic Stick
    - Ring of Aquila, Boots

    Skill build:
    - 1, 2, 3, Stat, Stat, Ult

    Should I have just played last hit?
    How to handle constant quill spray harass?
    Should have I skilled critical strike more instead of Stats so I can slash-harass him out of the lane?

    If anyone can please spend some time by watching just the 1st 10 minutes of the game during laning phase and advise how to play better? I would greatly appreciate.

    I haven't watched it myself but I guess I must have a lot of mechanical flaws there.

    Thank You in advance!


      you can max ward and just last hit, hard to kill pig


        or you can just max spin and play with balls


          i would've tried to pull the creeps to my tower, go at him when he harrased me level 1 with spin, run from it afterwards and go on him if he got aggresive close to my tower with level 2 spin!

          you gotta show him who's the boss


            strong 4k advice there


              5k, & much better than you ;)

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                circlets a waste of gold
                just add 2-3 levels of ward there is no way to lose a 1v1 melee matchup unless u fuck up your ward control


                  poor man shield and just some trees are fine.


                    magic stick would do too


                      much better than me


                        i don't get aquila.... I get sange... I go stats and crit build. so my mana is not low. and you can out farm and push a bristleback out of lane. the first skill build isn't bad. it could also work too, but i agree the circlets is a waste of gold. basilus still okay.


                          LEARN TO READ YOU STUPID FUCK



                            yea i know. dude why the animosity. I'll watch the first few minutes. I'll go straight away poor man shield with tangos. but I saw your game. you got the poor man shield pretty quickly. Hit the bristleback before he's level 2. I saw him hit you instead. you should spin once at least once early... when you were above him on the lane before he gets that shoe. he would have been out of that lane. He went aggressive on you hitting you a few times before u actually spinned. your first spin was around 2 minutes and 30 sec. you took out 70% of his life at that time. imagine what would happen if u spinned earlier? that bristleback bought that salve and trees... u gotta make him use that. everytime he's facing you. hit him in the face. when he's level 1. he doesn't have third skill. dominate him then. u know u will get the magic stick so spin early. it is 1 on 1.


                              everytimes u want a creep. he wacked u once.... do the same to him. you got the rune too.. so most likely you'll be level 2 before him. if u like... u can add level 2 spin, but I didn't think it was necessary. the crit is nice. when he farms u hit him. too focused on the farming.


                                rewatch ur own replay... best improvement would be to hit him. count the times he hits u and how many times u hit him.


                                  last thing.... when there were three dire creeps and 1 of your creeps that's about to die and he's standing there. don't go up and spin.... you're going to take a lot of damage. u need ur creeps too. the creeps probably attacked you for a bit when u did that spin. not going to calculate the damage but it hurts.


                                    ^ Thanks @Arctic! Greatly appreciate it. Basically, I had the advantage during the 1st 2 levels. i should have dominated him from that point on-wards. But I didn't so he got the upper hand and won the lane.