General Discussion

General Discussionitem builds questons for expirienced 5k+ Pl players

item builds questons for expirienced 5k+ Pl players in General Discussion

    Vladimir - yes or no and why? Also in what kind of scenarious yes/no?
    Midas - yes or no and why? Also in what kind of scenarious yes/no??
    Boots of travel as second or third item after diffu or diffu+manta yes or no and why?

    Ця тема була відредагована

      side opinion (not pl player myself)
      vlads is ok if you are planning to push/farm more than fight, otherwise rushing diffusals is better.
      midas on pl in pubs is suboptimal.
      BoT are a common early pickup, but rly worth it only in case u are going to split push.

      5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

        vlads - it's not as bad as everyone says, if you need to fight early i recommend getting vlads/wand/drums instead of going mask/aquila/diffusal (call me crazy but godzhand reached 6700 mmr using that build on troll warlord, so it must work against idiots)
        midas - no
        travels - yes


          vlads is good
          midas is shit
          travels = i like the concept but i always end up fighting with pl, so split push is not for my pl playstyle

          5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

            it's good because you can finish a fight and tp to defend a tower/pick off stragglers who were trying to split push

            pl can literally chase down a max ms lycan with level 4 phantom rush if played properly


              I'm not 5k, but HoD into satanic is better than vlads imo. People forget that Diffusal is not an orb anymore.


                ^there was a discussion of vlads against HoD on pl about a week ago here, as far as I remember. You can check it out.


                  vladimir is better than HoD, and imo you yould go drums diffu manta, but if the game is static i think early midas should be the option and instead build yourself as a hardcarry