General Discussion

General DiscussionWat do you do when your teamates starts feeding?

Wat do you do when your teamates starts feeding? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    A. Join them :) the more the merrier :)
    B. Ask to switch lanes
    C. Advice politely to not feed
    D. Others please specify: _______________

    casual gamer

      farm jungle, go farm enemy jungle when they camp yours, fight high ground and maybe win if not gg wp


        Pray for tactical feeding
        Pray for a better match
        Pray for my teammates to help me
        Pray more.


          join the feed train


            Politely tell them to stop dying OwO


              politely tell them that they suck

              Mighty Fungal Cap

                i get fknig drunk as a mothercucfkcer


                  ^ most of the time you can't do anything about it anymore.

                  What you have to be very cautious of is the symptoms before it goes there. Typically, why they do that is because someone is flaming him. Even if he did the mistakes, don't let people bully him. Be a leader and attack the bully to stop this shit.

                  I've had good experience on this in the past couple of games, read my post :)


                    i try tell them to relax and play safe.. if they keep feeding, well... i cant do anything more to stop them ( only on LANS i can smash their heads on keyboard this works 90% of the time rest 10% is not because head may broke completely)


                      "Be a leader and attack the bully to stop this shit."

                      Yeah right, tell that to the carry who can't farm shit and join every fight just to die.

                      It is not just about flaming that makes people do drunk shit, but it is about the monkey being flamed as well. You can't get flamed for getting a 10mins BF as AM right?

                        Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                          While I agree that saying nothing will *hopefully* help them to recover from the bad start, however some people just won't learn and proceed to die even more. Or better, when you tell him "Hey lets play safe farm some items up first ok?" and his reaction is "f*ck you".

                            Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                              Flame the ever living shit out of him...because more often than not, the feeder is one of my friends ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                              BIG OUNCE *REAL STREET NI₲₲A

                                ^ Ditto hahahhahaha