General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy are Russians so ignorant?

Why are Russians so ignorant? in General Discussion

    I don't mind playing with Russians, not at all. In fact i have had some amazing games with a few. I get it that some russians are closer to the eu east server rather than the russian one, but damn, they are acting like they own the EU west and east server. I am saying that russians are ignorant because even though they play on an european server and have ENGLISH language checked as their preffered language, they somehow manage to doze of back into their native language which in relation to this fails miserably to establish comunication with their team disrupting the flow of the game.

    Can i have your thoughts to this? Also id like to hear the opinion of the accused here

    Livin' Real Good

      Wait, why are you calling them "ignorant" again? Just wondering cause, everything you wrote has nothing to do with them be ignorant about something. Maybe you think they're ignorant about how annoying they are? But that's subjective, besides, you even said " I don't mind playing with Russians " as the first line of your paragraph, somewhat contradicting, but okay.

      You want to hear peoples thoughts on Russians doing as they please, and marking English as a preferred language? This has been talked about like crazy, it's nothing new, it's actually known in the Dota 2 community.

      To answer the question, they're whatever, i run into more
      Peruvians then i do Russians due to playing on US West the most.

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        yay casual racism!

        "i'm not racist but..."

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          Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

            They play aggressive and if you aren't on the same page as them you overextend and die. Euroasians as in Europeans and Asians in general like these 5v5 nonstop killfest before 20 minutes. Almost back to back teamwipes and non-stop tp to the killing field. Whereas some gamers like Americans would rather spread over the map to get some farm.

            Another way of seeing this is COD or BF4.. people hate campers, but in real life battles the people who are moving are usually the ones dying first.

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              @Rocket racist or not it is a double edged sword, russians are the ones enforcing their language and discriminating others, and we hate them for that. Anyways about my first line @YorKeY the few russians that have common sense and realize that not everybody speaks russian and try to speak english are the most intense dota 2 games ive had. They have a whole different playstyle which is more aggressive and unpredictable which is what i like, but damnit this game needs comunication, and they are not delivering their end of the bargain!


                most kids on internet are not polite nor do they give a fuck about your opinion.
                thats truth, accept it and buy anal cream if you need to.


                  its not racism. its experience. I live in asia so u can consider me neutral. I often play on EU west. let me tell u my honest observations

                  Europeans in general are politer and friendlier

                  Russians in general are not


                  Russians always say smthn in their language after they get a kill or win the game, always

                  If they hav chosen eng as preferred lang they shud speak in english

                  WHY DONT THEY

                  just some honest observations


                    somehow i never had any problem with russians, mb its you ?
                    and id rather have retarded russian that a mongol from asia who comes on eu with his 400ping

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                      THATS racism


                        dude honestly nobody cares, it's not like volvo will lock russians in ru region only lmao, get over it its hardly an issue.
                        it doesn't matter if a muted player is russian or mongol right?

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                          today i played on russian server with one of my friends, and had 3 italian-speakers in my team. it felt kinda weird cz actually russian server was invaded by foreigners xD.


                            I have played about 2500 games on EU server and honestly I don't think that russians are more ignorant then people from other countries. Russia is huge country and i think there are more Russians playing dota then e.g. germans simply because of the amount of people living in russia (roughly 3x more then in germany).

                            If we say that ~25% of people from a country who play dota are flamers, its just natural that everyone thinks russians are ignorant because of the reason above. And a lot of people probably just treat Ukrains and Russians as the same tbh.

                            Low Expectations

                              99% of russians are cancer from expirience

                              Quick maffs

                                This is not about racism.

                                Its not about an entire country behaving like idiots, its about kids playing the game.

                                I am pretty fucking sure that the countries with most kids playing are russia, peru and philippines.

                                Remenber when brazil was the most hated country in online games ? that was because those games were full of kids in lan cafes stealing money from their parents and wasting in fucking online games, it was not because all brazilians in the internet were assholes.

                                Anyway this goes to OP, the only reason you get mad or salty with russians in the first place its because you EXPECT people to comunicate and behave. If you played with me you would get mad at me even though i am not russian, because i just mute my team and play my own game, this works the best for me and you should try it too. Dota is a team game, but ONLY in really high mmr or in competitive environment, not in pubs.

                                Look at me, Hector.

                                  im not racist but i hate everyone

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                                      btw when i speak romanian with my friends fucking tards think that i speak russian.

                                      some retards can't tell the difference between russian/romanian/ukrainian/greek etc.

                                      i hope op is not one of those guys


                                        ^ since when is greek a slavic language


                                          i was in party with 2 greek guys, and some n00bs said "russians again"(when they were speaking greek)
                                          and btw romanian isn't slavic either

                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                            I play on CN. There are quite a few international players on it. Most of them speak English and some of them can speak a little Chinese/pinyin. Two exception, Russians only speak Russian. And some SEA people, I can't tell they're Malaysian or Philippines, they only speak their own languages on CN server. I simply hate to play with people I can't communicate with.

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                                              does screaming in mic like an ape qualify as communication?


                                                ^if you scream "cyka, bleat", it counts


                                                  When you attack an entire nation you are a racist!
                                                  The best example of racism is when under the second world war the entire world Teamed-up to kill the "MasterRace-Nazi-germans" Racism @ its finest. But was beating the Germans really wrong? =O hmm...

                                                  Also to answer thread, Russia is a 3rd world country After the fall of communism lead by a dictator much like hitler spreading missinformation and missleading the masses into masspsycosis.
                                                  Hence the "fuck you america" atitude towards anyone who isnt russian cliche.

                                                  Give them a break guys y wouldnt kick someone in wheelchair!?


                                                    ^cz its funny to do it


                                                      Communists are the best supports, Sir. They know what is "sacrifice yourself for a greater good". =)

                                                      Also, Poroshenko is a new Hitler and whole Europe supports him and spreads misinformation around the world.

                                                      P.S. Russian Dota with early 5v5 fights is very fun to play.

                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        I dont get the Russian hate, they are no more retarded than the avg European.......


                                                          ^But no match for brilliant Canadians.

                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                            rtz = canadian



                                                              Russians will also spam every heavy metal video on Youtube in their native language. And when you put it through a translator, it's typically something about how Jews and black people are ruining the genre.

                                                              ...dude I just wanna listen to this Manowar song.


                                                                Can Russians be worse than Peruvians?


                                                                  @Filthy played only 3 games with peruvians on a usa east server with a friend from Kansas, they were the worst, so yeah peruvians are worse than russians