General Discussion

General DiscussionHow has enchanted mango changed the game for you? Which heroes are be...

How has enchanted mango changed the game for you? Which heroes are better (or worse) because of this item? in General Discussion

    Of all the items added, I personally think enchanted mango has the largest impact on the Dota overall, but I feel like players haven't fully embraced how powerful the item is during the laning phase (in particular the first 5 minutes of the game).

    I'll start it off by saying that I think Chaos Knight, Wraith King and Sven, melee stunners with low spell cooldowns but high mana cost, are able to use mango to throw down multiple stuns at level 1 2 and 3 to devastating effect. Their early game mana constraints are really solved by 1 or 2 mangos early and allow for easy kills.

    Carry heroes (especially with low cd stuns) seem to take the largest advantage of enchanted mango in my experience so far. The fact that you get the mana instantly and can continue last hitting and don't have to worry about a clarity being dispelled from damage is huge.

    What heroes are stronger or strategies have you found are new or possible again due to Mango?


      Earth Shaker & Sven w/ Soulring, hp regen is sooooo good!


        i just buy 1 or 2 and a salve or 2 instead of going to base :D