General Discussion

General DiscussionMatchmaking Games too easy

Matchmaking Games too easy in General Discussion

    I started playing dota a couple of weeks ago and trained with a friend in bot games.

    When I now started playing games in matchmaking, it's way too easy and boring. I haven't been close to loosing for like 10 games.

    Is there a way to make matchmaking games harder or to level up quickly for ranked?


      you're a genius


        bad troll or beyond stupid


          Not sure how any of your guys comments is supposed to help? Just trolling around?

          So is there a way to increase difficulty?

          just ain't fun. Would love to get closer to a 50/50 win/loss ratio. I'm aware that I'm on a noob skill lvl, you don't have to point that out.


            If you keep winning you will get to that difficulty on your own
            In the meantime try practising other things to improve yourself such as
            - Other Heroes
            - As support, placing wards more often
            - Checking items of opponents more often - dewarding if you see other support is warding
            - Pulling creeps

            You have a great opportunity now to get better at things like the above while you're in trench mmr
            When you get to level 13 you can calibrate your ranked mmr to your deserved mmr


              Thanks crudude, first helpful answer! ;-)

              Giff me Wingman

                can't wait for the 'OMG MY TEAM ARE RETARDS' threads incoming


                  The more wins you harder it gets.


                    people start ranting after 19 games lmfao


                      your winrate will be closer to 50% as you keep playing, its the consequence of the way MM system is designed. if you are serious, dont worry, although Idk why might you be serious if you dont rly stomp games and just have a winning streak.

                      Bad Intentions

                        youre still in blank skills stage op.. play some more and youll get to hard games

                        CAN'T WIN

                          Play meepo

                          CAN'T WIN


                            Pls your game is too hard, pls nerf me 32-4 playing vs smurfers.


                              Game got hard yet?