General Discussion

General DiscussionHow is party mmr calibration works?

How is party mmr calibration works? in General Discussion

    does it make any diffrence if you play with 4 2k mmr ppl or with 4 5k mmr ppl?


      I mostly played with aimstrong who was like 1.5k back then, i calibrated at 1.4k, I was 1k solo lol


        I played a lot with 1ks and sub 1ks before and during my party calibration, but I still got 3.3k (really close to my solo rank at the time) so I don't think it makes a difference.

        it will probably be a lot higher if you personally manage to stomp super hard playing with a high ranked stack, but if you are able to do that its not really cheating the system, since you would actually have to be really good at the game to pull it off.


          it kinda depends on who you are playing with, but not that much. it wont make you 1k higher or lower comparing to your real mmr.