General Discussion

General Discussionfew ideas for low pri and abandons

few ideas for low pri and abandons in General Discussion
"TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

    For abandons I think you shud get 2 losses for it not just one. I mean u are crippling ur team.

    For Low pri they shud increase it from 5 > 6 games. But if you win a low pri game it counts as 2 off your counter, so you can play 6 low pri games or win 3. Will stop or discourage kids from feeding in low pri to end quick.


      we dont give a fuck

      we're NOT VOLVO


        Benao loves his low priority

        Big Daddy C

          I mostly only abandon when the game is clearly over and the enemy decides to farm their jungle, take roshan, wait till their entire team is 6 slotted, take every single building etc. If its a choice of waiting 30 minutes in a game that you have no hope in coming back or abandoning and finding another game instantly, there really is no choice for me.

          How about just adding a forfeit command like in pro games, there's really no reason not to as it's not like a troll can just call gg and its over, anyone on your team can cancel the gg, they could even change it so all 5 players had to agree. That would stop alot of players abandoning imo.


            And lead to a bunch of players flaming because they thinks games lost when it is t

            Pro players can tell when a games lost.......... But normal pub players simply can't the amount of games where my team has called GG at the 30 minute mark that we came back and won is astounding

            CAN'T WIN

              I think low prio should be 2 days on low prio or 3. And then u just swap acc like be4

              CAN'T WIN

                I think low prio shouldnt exist.