General Discussion

General DiscussionTo all 4k trash who still didn't understand....

To all 4k trash who still didn't understand.... in General Discussion
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      Giff me Wingman

        Yeah, i'm a ping dodger because i don't want to play against a 4k trash who claims he's 5.8k, not on the leaderboard and keeps flaming like a retard and makes himself look like a braindead moron.

        Fyi, i'm uploading a 2GB video on youtube you imbecile.

          Цей коментар був видалений модератором

            im 5.3k :( and i don't need to make any smurf for that :P

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              Giff me Wingman

                yeah, a retarded 4k trash named kitrak keeps spouting nonsense and making shit up. Makes it entertaining, if i'm done with my upload i will go and crush you 1v1 and then you will be my bitch for eternity.


                  You're PRO opening. How many smurfs did u create to get to 5k ?

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                  Quick maffs

                    LMAO this thread is great


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                      Last picking is 4 pussies

                        Maybe he is like me kitrak and your calibration tinker/void abuse leaves a sour taste in his mouth about how you are where you are. Or the fact now your playing a lot of Lesh and bs to maintain it.

                        Side note this guy is obviously more disrespectful than me and even I wouldn't say things this guy has said.

                        Thread overall though great read.

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                        THICC BABY SHUM

                          A l s o i c a n ' t p l a y d u e t o h i g h p i n g y o u f i l t h y s h i t h e a d .


                            what so good about heart on alchemist im sure skadi does just fine

                            THICC BABY SHUM

                              ^ who was talking about alch?


                                me: 0% winrate lifetime

                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                  i have 102 times more abandons then you


                                    ^ 1 abandon is with megapenis.... he came to my home and electricity down..

                                    i flamed him even for this:D

                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                      he came to my house 102 times


                                        can I dodge some 1v1 too, plz?

                                        Giff me Wingman

                                          ok, TRIPLE I CHALLENGE U TO 1v1!

                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                            ^ ayy u rather lose to him


                                              oh no, sorry, I cant because:

                                              -I dislike playing 1v1
                                              -My cat is vomiting and I have no time to play
                                              -My dota crashes every time I start playing 1v1
                                              -Im too good to play 1v1 against anyone, I dont want to make people feel helpless
                                              -My trans GF prohibited me to 1v1 against anyone who changes nicknames more often than once per week
                                              -Today is not my lucky day; that's what stars and planets say, as well as my personal oracle
                                              -Im biorobot and the first rule is not to damage human beings, even in the VR
                                              -When I saw your offer, I had such a huge boner it doesnt let me sit and play
                                              -The possible distribution of results has too huge conf interval and the results gonna be not reliable unless we spend eternity minus eps time playing
                                              -Im currently in my second form (bear one, same as all the other russians), and my fingers are too huge to press mouse bottons
                                              -Im racist
                                              -My gramma when she was about to die asked me to promise her I will never 1v1 anyone
                                              -I do not exist anywhere except this forum; actually, Im just a piece of code which can be considered to be a virus-type software


                                                triple to stronk, he rekt singsing u hafe no chance.

                                                joking aside though, he is actually good, would win 1v1.

                                                  Цей коментар був видалений модератором
                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                    Tl;dr top kek.

                                                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                      @Kitrak if ES was so broke you would pick it this patch is further proof of that. Also regardless my ES stats are fine so maybe it's not entirely me.

                                                      Sad thing is if you were good enough to just have one account and show your blemishes I wouldn't hate on you but its obvious you got to where you did by a less then ideal means.

                                                      If there was a valid way to prove it I will up the ante and offer $200 US for you to play from 3k to 5.3k playing 3-5 position heroes and Ill make it $250 if you could do it on earth spirit only.

                                                      Also stop rounding up you were never 6k mmr and I have never played earth spirit 500 times.


                                                        ^Wow $3.70/hr if u had 100% win rate. Tempting bet


                                                          kitrak is on NEL's leaderboard but hes 4k trash Keepo

                                                            Цей коментар був видалений модератором
                                                            Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                              You said you did the 4-5k prior to the offer not after the offer was made. If you offered me $10 to make a full court shot and I said "oh I did that two years ago pay up". Would you not find that retarded?

                                                              It's funny how many actual quotes you have when it's just hearsay.

                                                              Please link me a singsing stream of him whining out so I care considering his team spams him gyro 95% of their games. Once again stop acting proffesional your on here just like the rest of us and not part of any type of pro team.

                                                              You don't piss me off but I find you funny to be honest.

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                                                                Цей коментар був видалений модератором
                                                                Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                  Yes clearly t16 is just around the corner and your shot is as good as anyone's.......

                                                                  To watch the game like everyone else on dotatv or twitch ;)

                                                                    Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                                                                      Sir . let me kiss your ass plsssss
                                                                      that euls on meepo vs necro was Genius after i played 500 games on meepo the only hero that i really scare to fight against is nero .!
                                                                      some people think that earth shaker or ember is meepo's counter but i think the only counter is necro + blink + dagon + agha

                                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                      Mortimer Smith

                                                                        Alchemist is a strong mid in pub or competitive and a good carry just in competitive scene.

                                                                        For me the best itembuild for pub is: phase/bf/blink/ac/basher/HoT

                                                                        Alchem is so fucking hard to play so i dont recomend play it on pubz.

                                                                        2k knowledge


                                                                          It revolves around the fact that you don't have a really good start meaning any good mid will punish you. Spray sounds really strong when you bottle crow but likewise to the enemy laner?

                                                                          They might take damage but they need not fear you killing them because they know you have a really low level of concoction. If you're talking about being ganked, they have escape mechanisms and Alch has none PLUS he has almost no armor, meaning he gets burst down really fast by ganks.

                                                                          It might've worked a few times for you when you were better than the opposing mid but that wasn't because the hero is any good.

                                                                            Цей коментар був видалений модератором
                                                                            Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                              Low armour doesn't always make him burst down faster since most burst is magical or pure. It makes him weaker to ranged harass though (most strong mids are ranged unfortunately), but his base strength makes him decent against nukes early (not many heroes with 25+ base strength) compared to other heroes. Although his strength gain is poor, but doesn't matter much for laning phase.

                                                                              His acid spray can often force your opponent to step away from the lane (to not take a lot of damage) so they won't harass you as much. Against some you can even walk up and punch them since you'll hit pretty hard with the -3 armour if they don't have much either (just don't overextend it at later levels or you'll probably die).


                                                                                Except early game ganks don't primarily kill you from the magical damage, they kill you by disabling you and hitting you down.

                                                                                So you still can 'bursted' down faster from the auto attacks. And like I mentioned, you have to bottle crow OR have allies secure all the runes for you to do it constantly, something the enemy hero can do. Enemies can literally fucking stand in that acid spray for 10 seconds, walk back bottle twice and majority of whatever hp you lost back.

                                                                                If they'd have half a brain, they'd invest in some regen and shut down your early game rendering you useless for a considerable amount of time. One example was the TA vs QOP matchup. Countless idiots were saying that TA won QOP because they could meld dodge everything until the simple idea of buying a sentry got popularized.

                                                                                And even when you get down to half hp from just standing in the spray, Alch can't kill you because he's melee and didn't focus on skilling his stun.

                                                                                Walking up to punch only works on idiots who don't have the mechanical skill to simply just walk back and kite you if you attempt to run up at them.

                                                                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                  to mr. please quarantine peru: if you are good at dota, why do u feel the need to talk shit to bad players on an internet dota forum? sounds like things are either not so good in dota or not so good in life. either way i hope u feel better and more confident in ur play. gl hf.

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                                                                                      Von Darkmoor

                                                                                        I dont see change ever since his utlimate got heavily nerfd (no hp buff) his been a good support at best ive seen Ferrari play him solo mid but not even he seems to make it with that hero personly i feel everytime i get him at my team its a lost game its like 80% chance its going to end up lost no mather what then again mostly they dont solo mid with him and still if his up vs a decent puck or actually anything with a little burst his instant dead due to his ultimate still being so GOT DAMN USELESS (compared to before) only change that happend to him is he can give others aghanims wich is rly nice in some strats (tiny/lina etc) but i dont see how he can be that good im pretty sure if you are winning because you are solo mid you would win with another hero aswell so with that said you just win cause your better than your enemy not because you pick that hero.


                                                                                          ^please use "." and ",", as well as paragraphs. It's so difficult to read this text actually.


                                                                                            alch with 0 armour items = free win


                                                                                            Von Darkmoor

                                                                                              Hahaha now when you say it proberly should have done that ;) and i should proberly use it more often than i do.

                                                                                              Mortimer Smith


                                                                                                Shit lasthitting/ only get 3 bounty runes/ no stacks/ ez game alchem mid

                                                                                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                                  If you're good at alchemist, he can be alright. But in low 4k, around 90% of ppl who pick alch have no idea how to play him, and throw games

                                                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                                                    how could you think alchemist is a strong hero

                                                                                                    i dont understand


                                                                                                      Yea, I have 230 games with alch and always get annoyed when people blame start telling me he's such a bad hero. I only have a 51% win rate with him but I used to be shit with him and at one point even when I had over 50 games my win rate with him was only like 50%, so it's moving up. The reason his win rate is soooooo low is because of all the noobs who have no idea how to play him (like what amarin1492 said). You can see this by how when his pick rate goes up so does his loss rate:idiots picking him who have no idea how to play him. Just yesterday I played a game where an alch took 10 mins to make his midas, got maelstrom, then for some unknown reason build a 22 minute BF and insisted to me that I mustn't know how to play alch because that's what you do with him! And 80% of other alchs I play with are just as bloody bad!

                                                                                                      Further, your team also don't know how to play WITH him. I will pick alch and put my icon on safelane and someone will go pick a hero like Naga who doesn't come online until later also and more is also reliant on jungle. Cool, hope the other 3 members on your team can manage until you both come online! Then there's the supports who refuse to stack even when you ask them to or, worse, the 3rd position who takes your stacks then calls you noob at the end of the game because your not farmed enough. You just have to watch a professional game with an alch carry to see he is amazing when the player and the team know how to play him. Why would professionals pick him when he's apparently such a terrible hero?

                                                                                                      An example is this game where wagamama gets 3.2K gold in 1 min because his supports have stacked for him. In this he's not doing anything special to play alch, anyone can right click on a stack. The difference is that his team knows how to play with an alch on their team.