General Discussion

General DiscussionHow can I improve?

How can I improve? in General Discussion

    Hi there,

    I've been playing dota for about a year now and it's the first MOBA i've tried. I read a lot of guides about item choices, where to put skill points and sometimes watch pro-games. I have about 1.2k games played and want to improve and increase in solo/party mmr if possible.

    Atm i'm at;
    3154 Solo MMR
    3329 Party MMR (playing mostly with one other friend which is 3.7).

    Can someone take a look at my recent games and check out what i did wrong/could improve on?
    What heroes should I play (from my most played ones I guess) to improve?

    My favorite heroes are;
    Supports: Jakiro / Necro / AA
    Core: Kunkka / Slardar /
    Carry; Medusa & Spectre.

    Any help is greatly appriciated.

    Thanks in advance.


    Ця тема була відредагована

      Everyone plateaus and after 1.2K games I'm not surprised you have. Sounds as though you are doing what you should be with watching pro games and reading guides but other things you can do is read general guides (ie not ones just for specific heroes, but also ones on improving how you play as any hero) and watch your own games and have a think about how you can do better in them.

      What I've been doing with heroes I play a lot is seeing what time it takes me to get Items I normally get for them and then trying to decrease it, for instance with my Lina I want aghs phase and euls by 25 and for alch I want phase mjolnir and skull basher before 20 (used to be 20). Do you stack when you play supports? If not you should, and a great hero to do this with is shadow demon as he is 1 of the least item dependant heroes in the game (even for a sup) and can double stack. Likewise, do you deward whenever you sup? You should be doing both of these things.

      When it comes to improving with carries you need to be good at last hitting and take advantage of space created. I would suggest playing some carries who aren't so completely late game oriented and are more capable in lane. My favourite for that would be DK due to his passive and as he's great for getting towers also which is great for gold.