General Discussion

General DiscussionHaven't had a decent ranked game in weeks

Haven't had a decent ranked game in weeks in General Discussion

    Can't remember when a game was fun. It isn't me - I have fun in unranked, helping friends out of LP and playing on Faceit.

    Just something has changed in ranked and it has become an incredibly toxic place. Maybe I got a bad rep or something...:(

    Anyone finding good matches in ranked at the moment?

    Bad Intentions

      Yo rocket, Its kinda tough right now in ranked, everyone is kinda trying hard right now, small mistakes can really punish teams and lead to loses.

      Id say, always play ur best hero and just be mentally tough.

      Peace Pipe Paradise

        I've been having a fabulous time since 6.84 came out. I see trolls every once in a while but I usually cajole them into playing with the team one way or another, whether it's taking an alternate role or getting them to choose a better hero for the same role, or even going a build on a certain hero to maximize our team synergy.

        I do feel kind of mad that what seems to lose games more often than not in 4k are stubborn tilters and not just mistakes or errors made out of inexperience or ignorance of a certain mechanic.


          I was one of the few that actually enjoyed 6.83, mostly cause I love lategame carries and troll is still the most fun hero in dota by far. This meta though, besides lesh, I hate all the top picks. BS is fucking boring, gyro is fucking boring, and those 2 are in every fucking game I play, also hate the early push meta, which has made almost all carries super unviable :/

          So on topic; nope ranked matches have been crap, maybe you dont enjoy the top heroes is why you're having no fun, just learn to like em I suppose :/

          Peace Pipe Paradise

            Lesh and gyro are very fun heroes to play, imo. I liked them prior to this patch. I hated many of the older patches, like back when tinker was op and then the troll/sniper/jugg games. If you weren't on the dishing end, you were on the receiving end. That got old real fast. The game just feels so balanced now, and supporting is so much more relevant and rewarding in the short and long term. Having these mid and late game support items introduced really changed the way the in-game evolves, imo, and makes it a little more exciting.


              don't get me wrong - i like the patch - just something about ranked games at the moment are really toxic for me.

              have gone the muted all route and life is much better....lalalala

              Space creator

                Rocket, it's the same for me. Few days break with friends then get back to dota. It's a nightmare. People are so toxic, I don't know why I'm playing.


                  just got a decent game.
                  maybe cuz volvo gave me teammates 1k mmr higher than usual

                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    31-7 decent game


                      yeah thats what i call decent

                      Last picking is 4 pussies

                        ^----any game without bloodseeker is decent IMO.


                          haha yeah mute all makes a difference....

                          i feel doom could've contributed more that game - kind of expect my carry to have done more than just a 44min radiance!
                          still can't moan too much, i was the one who bought a second ac. normal skill problems :)