General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play PL atm

How to play PL atm in General Discussion
Rektdalf the White

    How do you guys play Pl this patch - pushing or do you stick with the team. What items do you build on him : when to build S&Y and when to build manta, skadi or heart, satanic or vladmir, do you build diffusal as a first item on him everytime ? Soo many questions...
    Seems to me that even if i have decent/good farm with him im still losing, so asking for advice.
    Thanks for any advice :D
    Yours truly 3k scrublord .

    Mortimer Smith

      First item travel boots or midas.

      Rektdalf the White

        Idk i always thought that midas just delays the time when Pl can come online so i guess its mostly useful when ur behind with xp - tough lane, ganked a lot etc...


          Treads > diffusal > manta > BoT

          plz do

            if u want to fight - aquila treads diffusal vlads.... (mb morbid mask first)
            if u goin to need more farm, splitpush, map presence - aquila vlads BoT diffusal (and then rest)
            i usually go for fighting, but i really want to try the BoT build.
            remember to dissamble aquila into vlads and get an early morbid mask to farm. manta seems to be core after diffusal. skadi often better than heart. i cannot think of any scenario, in which s&y is optimal. About midas: if u get it at 4-5min or what Nomad said.

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              ^this is what i use, (aquilla, tread, difu,vlads).
              and skadi>heart.

              and never get midas, really no point in it on pl.


                my 6k friend goes 4-1-1 and skills stats all the way, its a pretty good build

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                  that's what taki does aswell, also no boots, he goes straight for travels after getting some items.