IMO the main thing about invoker is first and foremost are you prepared to play a mid hero? Not a lot of other options for this hero support and safelane are rare occurances.
I would say to Quas wex against heroes with mana issues or where your team needs initiation/counter initiation. Also against heros without bkb cold snap is extra good. Another scenario if your teamed with bseeker cold snap is good for tp interupttion.
I'm sure other people will have better advice so hopefully you get it.
Itemization varies greatly depending on what playstyle you like and what the enemy team has.
There's many items that are good on Invoker early game
Necrobook - good in combination with cold snap (urn procs cold snap) and forge spirits due to the amount of units and urn proc'ing cold snap. Very good build for pickoffs and tower sieging .
Force Staff - you can always use mobility on a hero that has 280 base ms. Force staff yourself into position when an enemy is running from your spirits and cold snap. Also to push yourself into position to land that perfect tornado->meteor/emp->blast/icewall in fights.
Blink Dagger - I don't think there's really a description required for this. Same for BKB and Scythe
Euls - everyone hates it, even if you're the one playing it. Euls into sun strike, meteor, blast is one of the most annoying combinations for the enemy if you can time it right. The nuke is guaranteed to bring almost any hero to 1/4 hp if you get it at a reasonable time and are using quas exort.
Phase Boots - almost always the ideal boots for carl, the move speed is great and the damage is highly appreciated in lane if playing quas wex.
Atos - I personally believe that this item is underrated on Invoker. But not necessarily a go-to item every game. If the enemy team has a hero that can be kited well with this item it's a good buy. The extra int and health is also highly appreciated on him.
A question that I have for you guys is is it worth going Octarine over Aghanims now?
If you go QW you can skip Midas and build Phase < Urn < Orchid
Urn + Cold Snap is really strong and the Urn triggers cold snap multiple times
Here an advanced guide from Grimorum
I feel like Midas I REQUIRED on invoker though as he is so level dependent
From my expirence getting at least 1 point in E early helps landing........ I prefer starting as a quas exhort and if I need to I'll transition to quas wex around level 10
Also I shall go read that guide and see if anything I just said is stupid ........ It probably is Kappa
send qqq
send www
send eee
;Cold Snap
send qqqr
;Ghost Walk
send qqwr
;Ice Wall
send qqer
send wwwr
send wwqr
send wwer
;Sun Strike
send eeer
;Forge Spirit
send eeqr
;Chaos Meteor
send eewr
;Deafening Blast
send qwer
Just me?
You should see me getting ganked. I make Ghost Walk and disapper in under a second!
Still suck tho.
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Hey guys.
So I've decided to learn the harder heroes in the game. Already played some Meepo on an alt (not going amazing but I'll get it in the end) and now I'm gonna try my hand at a bit of Invoker. Played some bot games and I've learnt the spells and I'm landing some ok combos. The only issues I'm having that aren't pure mechanics are skill build and itemization.
- How can I tell when to go QW or QE? (IMHO QW is way more fun but I know sometimes you gotta do what the team needs and not what you want)
- How do I itemize? I've read a few guides on dotafire and they have essentially every item in the game at least as a "situational" thing. I'm finding Phase > Midas > Aghs > Octarine pretty decent but then again I haven't played against real people as of yet...
Also any general tips/advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.