General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat role should i play?

What role should i play? in General Discussion

    Hi, i oftes play in 3-5man stacks, and i play every position from time to time. Can someone take a look at my previous games and see What type pf role i do best as? Thanks for any help in advance. //Funky


      It just comes down to what you enjoy the most doing , and what your mentality tells you to do. You're pretty well rounded out , and I don't see any evident flaws in your heroes. Probably don't play mid cuz I dont see too many flashy heroes , not too many offlaners either , so shortlane carries / supports


        ye, looking at your profile i would say carry/support too. just see what fits best in your team. for example i used to play most of the time with a friend and go me mid and he carry. but we also had a friend which was a much better mid than me, so i was going support when he was playing too.


          Thanks for the feedback :) I got a friend that is a really good mid, so i usually carry with dusa/spec, i like tanky carries. Same with supports: i go jakiro/necro sometimes AA if he fits.

          Off-topic: still worth rushing Radiance on spectre after PMS & brown boots? Some games i don't have a decent support and I won't Get radi until 25 min, but after buff i feel its still worth it vs more then two right-clickers.




            *referring to the 17% miss chance debuff on Radiance.


              imo, a radiance after 22-25 min is useless if youre losing and your team cant handle 15-20 more mins of farming. i would rather go fight build and help them if i can.

              if the other team isnt aggresive and they can survive without you, sure, go radi.


                Fight build: phase-> drums-> diffusal or manta -> heart?



                  yap, thats it. but dont get me wrong, radi is a great item if your team can handle it. if you get it by min 17 its perfect.

                  if youre late, only you can decide if its still worth, depending of game situation, picks etc


                    Rad is still really good even after 20-25 against blink users. I don't play that much spec but imo its still pretty good.