General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
Nah, I'd win

    My page


      got busted while doing the spray tags in san andreaas fml


        i as at 42 out of 100

        one syllable anglo-saxon

          collectibles in sa are the worst shit because they require u to get everything without giving rewards for individual pieces(what was it, 50$ for horseshoe and thats it?)
          and u cant collect them all without the map or searching in every corner for dozens of hours


            actually there are a few stuff you unlcok for collecting everything.
            your homies have deagles/SMGs for 100 Tags
            max lung capacity and no requirments for GFs for the oysters
            weapons spawns for the horseshoes and snapshots

            also they're all needed for 100%


              ^^ u play Russia server ?? lets meat eah other


                lets meat each other


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                Nah, I'd win

                  moku lmao


                    unfortunately, this is the best I can do









                            Nah, I'd win

                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                yes i know but as i said, u only get the reward for finishing all of these whihc is super fucking tedious
                                when i did the 100% playthrough it was my least favorite part and i was actually close to calling it quits back then


                                  the man who made this is fucking retarded and barely plays the game I imagine and also at a trash tier level for sure...

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                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    Lina: Level 10 Talent changed from -30s Respawn Time to +125 Cast Range
                                    Lina: Level 15 Talent changed from +125 Cast Range to -30s Respawn Time

                                    on one side its gg because i wont be able to shave off minutes of being dead because dmg is way better
                                    on the other side i get a range increase for all of my spells and roa and as early as level 10


                                    Nah, I'd win

                                      SOLO MMR
                                      PARTY MMR

                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                        Deso.rozie 4 months ago
                                        deso.rozie 7 months ago

                                        if deso means what i tyink it means then rip ayy lmao



                                            winning against mambos = impossible


                                              nothing better than tossing half of the plate of your favourite meal on yourself at 3 am


                                                okay i degenerated by spamming supports and i forgot how to play my top mid heroes again


                                                  guys whats with Midas? is ok now ??

                                                  Bristlebacl buffed 1010 times in row stil shit

                                                  Alche finally nerfed hard ?

                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                    are u like 4200 now


                                                      lmao stoopid americants and their stupid ass monster trucks


                                                        i went for a drive yesterday and now I really want to have a roadster like a miata

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                                                          i'd like this, or:



                                                            lmao have fun in rain


                                                              literally only reason I don't consider buying a roadster is the weather


                                                                I would take one of these


                                                                  can't get cold/wet if you wear proper clothing (bike)

                                                                  bmw typical slav car

                                                                  Nah, I'd win

                                                                    i think he means that in switzerland the weather is super unpredictable


                                                                      isnt it anywhere in europe


                                                                        not in greece:(( spain south italia matla kretos.......noob confirmed


                                                                          wow! who would have thought


                                                                            Was zur Höu hesch itz gad über mi gseit, du chliini Soumore? I wott di loh wüsse dassi Klassebest bi gsii bide Navy Seals, und i bi a zauhriiche gheime Manöver gäge d Al-Quaeda beteiligt gsii, und i ha über 300 bestätigti Abschüss. I bi in Gorilla Warfare usbiudet, und i bi dr best Scharfschütz vo de gsamte US Strittchräft. Für mi bisch nid meh aus es witters Zieu. I wirde di verdammt nomou mit nie zuvor uf dere Ärde gseehniger Präzision uslösche, merk der mini verdammte Wort. Meinsch, du chasch ungstrooft dermit dervoochoo mir so Scheiss per Internet z säge? Fausch dänkt, Lutscher. Während mir rede bini scho mis gheime Netzwärch vo Spione quer dür d USA am kontaktiere und dini IP wird genau itze traced, aso bereit di gschider ufe Sturm vor, Made. Dr Sturm wo das armselige chliine Ding wo du dis Läbe nennsch uslöscht. Du bisch so öppis vo tot, Knirps. I cha überau sii, jederzitt, u i cha di in über 700 verschidnige Arte töte, u dasch nur mit mine blosse Häng. Nid nur bini umfassend i unbewaffenetem Nahkampf trainiert, i ha Zuegriff ufs gsamte Arsenau vom United States Marine Corps, und i wirdes i vouem Umfang nutze um di armselig Arsch vom Antlitz vom Kontinänt z fäge, du chliine Schiisshuufe. Wennde nur hättsch chönne wüsse was fürne unheiligi Vergeutig di chlii „clever“ Kommentar über di würdi bringe, villech hättsch denn dini verdammti Schnure ghebt. Aber das hesch nid chönne, das hesch nid gmacht, und itz zauhsch dr Priis, du gottverdammte Idiot. I wirde Wuet quer über di schiisse, und du wirsch drinn ertrinke. Du bisch so öppis vo tot, Knirps.

                                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                              didnt this ni🅱🅱a drink litres of pepsi in his videos


                                                                                this video is just as old as spunki

                                                                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                  clockwerkula u using internet explorer?


                                                                                    Nah, I'd win

                                                                                      where the fuck did you find this cringy copy paste

                                                                                      Nah, I'd win

                                                                                        i laughed at this smurf hero pick here somewhere, can't find it anymore

                                                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                          im talking abiout ehtans fuckin video not the ciommercial itself the video is 12 hours old fuck off


                                                                                            who cares the commercial is autistic, at least i get to see this talentless sl.ut more 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻

                                                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                              7 patches are just pathetic honestly. So many useless changes trying to make the notes look full, but it's all empty shit that don't change anything. Talent system was a complete fucking disaster yet he refuses to do anything about it and instead gives irrelevant buffs to talents every patch. Wow, +25 HP at level 15? Thanks man, totally playable now.


                                                                                                are u like 4200 now

                                                                                                i think i am after last game

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