General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
one syllable anglo-saxon

    well if i win the remaining 3 games then ill be 5/5 which shouldn't knock me down more than 200 mmr, ditto for 4/6

    me, government hooker

      the medals are also different mmr than pre-reset
      or so it is for divines at least, 5,5 is like divine 3 while divine 5 was ~5,360 last season

      me, government hooker

        how come reddit has nothing to say about these calib games :thinking:

        one syllable anglo-saxon

          also it seems that all ranks are now upscaled pretty significantly, i'll probably calibrate around 4700 which should be around anc4


            apparently there's some progress bar rn


              mb valve didn't want to have 5000 people in leaderboards
              seems reasonable to be honest


                i lost one game with literally 3 heros feeding and dropped 1k in 1 game. Then stomped because, in archon 2 even i can carry.

                Why do they go from -+25 for each game to -+1000 in one game, does valve only know extremes?

                ''reddit demands more impactful recalibration, not only 25 mmr change'' Icefrog ''FULL DAVAI! Make them drop to 1k in one game elegiggle"

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Recalibration is just 10 games of 25 mmr each: "omg valve recalibration is useless i didnt go from herald to divine in 10 games!! REEEEE"

                  Recalibration actually has an impact on your mmr: "omg valve why do i lose 60 games worth of mmr in 10 games i climbed from 2k to 4k now im 2k again!! REEEEE"


                    reddit ruins everything man.
                    pretty annoying to lose 1k mmr in a single game because you happen to have a ruiner in game and a midlaner that tilts out and feeds.

                    me, government hooker

                      i aint complaining. stuck in 5k for 3 years valve gifts me 6k which ill lose in 1 day SeemsGood


                        Recalibration is just 10 games of 25 mmr each: "omg valve recalibration is useless i didnt go from herald to divine in 10 games!! REEEEE"

                        Recalibration actually has an impact on your mmr: "omg valve why do i lose 60 games worth of mmr in 10 games i climbed from 2k to 4k now im 2k again!! REEEEE"

                        seems like i was actually still lucky, given my nature of being able to win 20 games in a row and then lose 30


                          where we droppin boys?

                            Цей коментар був видалений модератором
                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              Recalibration is just 10 games of 25 mmr each: "omg valve recalibration is useless i didnt go from herald to divine in 10 games!! REEEEE"

                              Recalibration actually has an impact on your mmr: "omg valve why do i lose 60 games worth of mmr in 10 games i climbed from 2k to 4k now im 2k again!! REEEEE"

                              are u actually serious

                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                nevermind i dont even want to know


                                  wat is your mmr before? and now
                                  saw your 10 win streak what the heck

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    You know the system is working if redditards are constantly complaining


                                      You don't extract any information on whether your system is working or not if redditards are constantly complaining*

                                        Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                                          you very gud indeed,teach me your secrets

                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                            ive a bad feeling about this


                                              im so glad i decided to stop dota before calibration, 0 anxiety about the outcome


                                                cant wait to see sufail and büldog calibrate to legend


                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                    gym memes epic win

                                                    not arin

                                                      i'm doing crossfit btw


                                                        no ure not

                                                        not arin

                                                          no i'm not


                                                            shitty mems > no memes


                                                              guess im going back to warhammer meme, since you guys have a more aquired taste of memes


                                                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                  wat is crossfit?


                                                                    coached gym for hipsters that dont really want to workout but want to tell everyone that they do


                                                                      i see,i kind of dont get it but ok lol


                                                                        i mean crossfit is legit if done right.
                                                                        but in crossfit you tend to do stuff that is hard to learn like snatches and overhead squats etc which your normal joe will never be able to perform correctly.
                                                                        ten they make no gains, look like a fool and injure themselves -> thats basically the meme of crossfit


                                                                          im skinny like 113 lb (51 kg) and want to hit the gym to not necessarily get huge but just stay in shape and maybe not look like a twig, please help


                                                                            nobody gets "huge" unless they take steroids

                                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                              ancient memes mixed with new ones


                                                                                properly inform urself on nutrition and get on a 5x5 program


                                                                                  ^ may i give you kiss

                                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                    whatever it may take ages to wait for valve to fix their shit and even if i get the short end of the stick its not like i have anything to lose


                                                                                      im pretty sure that if you play tilting stuff like undying dual offlane and just dive people under tower and ruin their lane, 90% of the players will rage buyback and the team tilts out, free mmr.


                                                                                        TLDR: walking off ledges LUL


                                                                                          just eat more lol 4HEad

                                                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                            maybe you are just bad alenari )

                                                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                              perhaps =)




                                                                                                  road to airport


                                                                                                    rip my 6k


                                                                                                      Whats with the weeb shit posts
                                                                                                      Also rip 6k