General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
one syllable anglo-saxon

    vermin is plural

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      im going to sleep

      gratz to reddit darling chat wheel spamming mоn­g­оloids


        FLY? SoBayed

        flourishing new leaf

          It's not that he dodges anything. He tanks it like a man. Waits for his time to act and knows his team will give him the miliseconds to act. He just has to be cold and do what is required and omfg he's cold. Fucking precise! Godly ana moves.

          TopSon you're now GodSon
          fucking notail well played dude well fucking played ^^
          Jerax god dude, you've been a god for years and now wut? Fucking GOD with your name in the aegis!
          7mad dude, always standard, back to basics, brings back memories. Good for you dude. You played some brilliant dota, congrats!


            Lets go Liquid OG!
            Now after they won, I quit supporting Liquid because they did not win TI. OG is my new favourite team until next TI.
            Esports fans in a nutshell


              bsj jebaited, lel


                yikes they actually won


                  when u flame the team for like 3 days then complement them cuz they jsut won FeelsWeirdMan

                  can we truce and have no braindead analysis from me or u, ty

                  flourishing new leaf

                    I haven't even flamed OG? Like wtf? Notail lost early game furion cause he played him wrong (ana died fb cause of him). He's to play normal and not insinuate notail left him alone.

                    Notail was slow with the first silencer game but then was on point on his second game with him which won them the game.

                    Chen was weak as fuck but they somehow survived being under 2 rax very early in the game after constantly getting raped. How is saying chen weak/bad pick wrong here and how is that flame?

                    How is saying lina is shit pick wrong or flame here? Stupid bitch could just show herself and die after one spell. Even as a mid it's shit and it's why they went with fucking zeus last pick on game 5 of the TI finals!! They realized it. (Listen to the coach saying they were between those 2)

                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      okay, this is epic


                        all i see heard before the finals was mostly criticism

                        Jay the Bird

                          how's that even interesting everyone watches porn

                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                            not everyone's alex jones


                              how is grimstroke a hero


                                he is pretty good i thikn

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  florian, we are playing today at 7pm cest

                                  me, government hooker

                                    i believe flurrian is unavailable sirs


                                      Hello autists


                                        Flourishing new autism

                                          Цей коментар був видалений модератором
                                          flourishing new leaf

                                            playing what lul


                                              yoshi is actually getting boosted

                                              chicken spook,,,,


                                                Guess who

                                                  This game is so easy, why do people complain about it? You need to be fucking retarded to have problems with it.


                                                    heh, my dismas died on one super unfortunate pig boss fight and got revived during the special event.. instead of plague doctor lvl 4 which i was missing, just because it's dismas
                                                    now he carries his own head as a reminder

                                                    anw i got to the point where i have like one lvl 5-6 party but.. what do i do with them now? i have to level up few other parties just so i can actually think of some team composition and they can wipe anytime with some retarded crit rng or whatever happens and it just feels like a meaningless grind

                                                    also hello magnus

                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                      just git gud


                                                        i'd like to get good without using any outside sources, i'm avoiding wiki and everything as much as i can
                                                        but in this game learning = dumping x hours of grind

                                                        Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                          every time i change my name i feel like i lose 10 straight games. or i just lose 10 straight games regardless



                                                            i also feel like there's good avatars and bad avatars
                                                            especially when i think the new profile pic looks pretty good and then i lose 15 games in a row


                                                              I haven't changed my avatar since 2014. Maybe that's why I'm stuck in 3k/4k


                                                              Цей коментар був відредагований


                                                                This is what not playing party ranked for two years looks like.


                                                                  any calculus pr0 gamers here?


                                                                    I can integrate your mum


                                                                      can u help me


                                                                        Ask away


                                                                          "figure out if they are converging and if they are solve them"

                                                                          wtf does this even mean


                                                                            time to youtube


                                                                              if its converging it's getting closer to a specific number if it's diverging it's getting closer to infinity. Dont quote me on that though, I did fail out of calc in highschool.


                                                                                pretty sure c) converges to 1


                                                                                  i actually only have to do e, f, g, h

                                                                                  but im pretty sure the first ones are much easier

                                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                    this shit is super easy

                                                                                    that said i cant help u because i got my B on exam 7 months ago and completely erased any and all knowledge of analysis from my brain

                                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                      actually winning again pog


                                                                                        yeah the first ones are definitely easier. It was kind of funny because I saw that post like 5 minutes before walking into calc class.


                                                                                          definite integrals are just F(b) - F(a), where a and b are bottom and top limits respectively, and having a list of basic derivatives in front of your eyes makes it a walk in the park


                                                                                            im lf 2 more people to play faceit this sunday with me, the arcana ladders. 5.5+
                                                                                            hit me up, tq

                                                                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!