General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
the realm's delight

    k im done eating ill try to snipe rtz next game from main


      when i play QE invo, how do i decide between going full QE and getting one point in W on level 2? like when i'm laning against unfavourable matchup i go wex so i can use alacrity to snatch some lasthits and for ghost walk?


        if you can get an early kill with meteor coldsnap alacrity. most of the time its not worth it delaying your double forge with 1 level because 8 -> 9 takes aeges


          when do i level invoke? i see some ppl taking it on lvls 10 11 16 like 4-1-4-2 and others take it on 12 14 16
          i get that you want it maxed by the time you get agh but what about the levels in between?

          Цей коментар був відредагований
          the realm's delight

            12 14 16 is better
            the dmg exort spells give when upgraded outweighs the cd reduction of invoke


              alright, thanks a lot, both of you

              the realm's delight

                ah the classic win 20 games lose 20 games dota 2 strikes again

                waku waku

                  ^ can you link what account was that on plz
                  also did you win that one game with 100% cancer on enemy team i want to watch it


                    I get into a fucking 200 mmr lower game and I get fucking 400 mmr lower player in my team who picks fucking sven as 4th pick and goes woods WHAT KIND OF A FUCKING RETARD U NEED TO BE!?!?!? I GET 3-4 ppl mid EVERY FUCKING TIME ENEMY IS FUCKING TRYING AND ITS ALWAYS ME WHO GETS THAT KINDA RETARD WHO JUST RUINS THE GAME NOBODY WANTS TO FUCKING WIN FROM MY TEAM FUCKING NEVER saw that kinda a retard in the enemy team why this kind of shit always needs to happen to me FUCK THIS GAME!


                      xDDDD how can this even happen

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                          HAHAHA nice fucking picks guys easy game.


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                            how do ppl win overthrow?
                            i dontsee it reflected here, but the point is taht my team actually lost.

                            Цей коментар був відредагований
                            the realm's delight
                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                i hate my stepfather so damn much
                                i can't wait for going to college so i won't see or hear about him whole day




                                    dotaboof is ded




                                        can we get some entertaining content
                                        all I see so far is solo-queue adventures dilluted with attention seeking emo comments by Arin


                                          if that is what Ayy lmao has become

                                          < blank >

                                            Ayy lmao has become the patch, boring

                                            Pale Mannie


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                                                i wish i got baptized in a pool full of liquor

                                                bum farto

                                                  Lil can suck it my lord what an awful pick keepo


                                                    zeus, furion, bara , spec and es in conjunction i think is the reason why u lost lnfao

                                                    < blank >

                                                      3 Midas, 3 Tranquil

                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                      bum farto

                                                        Tripple you queuing?

                                                        bum farto

                                                          Also a reminder that picking BH isn't a substitute for a viable support if it's needed. If you think it's gonna be a rough game cause they have NP/Bara DO NOT just pick BH you will make it so much worse


                                                            no im not, busy doing some stuff, gonna be down for dota on friday, i think

                                                            the realm's delight

                                                              followed by bh ok we lost

                                                              bum farto

                                                                Ya see, this whole default "I don't wanna support, so i will pick BH shit" it's gotta stop.

                                                                the realm's delight

                                                                  no bh is in their team thats why we lost
                                                                  that hero ihas no place in this game honestly


                                                                    camped dp mid with sky
                                                                    she's swearing in russian
                                                                    suddenly bad network conditions and safe to leave

                                                                    totally not suspicious, but when the game's literally unplayable because everyone has terrible packet loss then all's fine

                                                                    < blank >

                                                                      Skip until 0:40

                                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                        from now on ican plauy dotas onnly on friday saturday and sunday we fokin lost


                                                                          this is some good shit


                                                                            < blank >


                                                                                wesley's theory is good but i cant find it on youtube


                                                                                  aimstrong stole my name, gg


                                                                                    check my trips

                                                                                    < blank >

                                                                                      After next game I need to feed with Meepo


                                                                                        eight loses in a row, fuck that
                                                                                        4 retards in your team, nigga fuck that
                                                                                        4 and a half k nigga fuck that
                                                                                        got a very high skill but my mmr is still like ooohh oh, uh, ooh oh

                                                                                        waku waku

                                                                                          i'm happy to see that you guys are suffering in matchmaking as well but remember that you all fucking gained 300 mmr and managed to stay there. meanwhile i fell from the same point and now can't get back up again


                                                                                            i never gained more than i lost ever since like 6-10 months

                                                                                            waku waku

                                                                                              my condolences. what mmr are you? someday we will get out of mmr hell and head to the promised land where everything is the same anyway


                                                                                                we can run some kind of a google doc to keep track of the mmr of all the regular posters here for the lulz

                                                                                                Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                                                waku waku

                                                                                                  ill just get more angsty when people rise in mmr and i'm still the same


                                                                                                    LMAO naix woods is so fucking fun tbh hahaha ancients OP