I really need to quit Dota, it's not good for my mental health. I'm really not feeling good after losing 3v5 while being up 16 to 6 at some point. This is honestly the lowest point of my entire fucking Dota life.
Oh hey guys, we finally killed that Invoker and he has no BB, our WK has a stupid Deso AC build against Timber Invoker and Riki, but that's fine, at least we can kill the buildings fast and get some raxes. But fuck that man, let's just chase this fucking Timber we clearly can't kill for NO FUCKING REASON AND THEN FEED HIM A FUCKING TRIPLE KILL AS WELL.
I got from 1,3k to 2,4k get rekt nubs
meka, why dont i just lend u my smurf? aimer + another smurf have like 500 unranked party mmr

too much porn, nid 4chan spam
A gril wants me to sing over the phone.
Ahh, no.
bald bitch gets wild with snakes ROFL
they know Yeezus is a Christian hah?
She spent her whole check on some Christians
And that girl ain't even religious
daenerys speech at the end of the episode Kreygasm

the taste of grandmas furburger
anyone up for party mm in 10 minutes?
konichiwa senpai are you baka today
LMAO what the fuck!?
^that actually seems pretty clever
you know how difficult it was, looking for proper sleep position at school while you're sitting at the desk?
My friend have this one. It actually so comfortable.
canceldota LUL
is new got ep out?
I really need to quit Dota, it's not good for my mental health. I'm really not feeling good after losing 3v5 while being up 16 to 6 at some point. This is honestly the lowest point of my entire fucking Dota life.
Oh hey guys, we finally killed that Invoker and he has no BB, our WK has a stupid Deso AC build against Timber Invoker and Riki, but that's fine, at least we can kill the buildings fast and get some raxes. But fuck that man, let's just chase this fucking Timber we clearly can't kill for NO FUCKING REASON AND THEN FEED HIM A FUCKING TRIPLE KILL AS WELL.
I'm so retarded

i feel you sam.. i dont think dota is making me mad irl or something but somehow its still fucking my mental health over all
actually i guess im addicted, i just cant stop playing dota even if i dont want to play dota at all
At least I can still fucking play carry.
Bald headed bitch!!!
Winodows xp
zacit hrat blyad
one day i will finally change the language back to english
but this is not the day
So the legend is true. Someone still using window xp.
jesus christ allison, you always spoiler the episode 2 hours before i watch it D:
I should stay away from this thread before watching GoT
but i didnt spoil what u mean
:((((( i got scaread and skipped the picture of the dragon so fast i almost broke my wrists :P