@Triplesteal i have question. If timbersaw already have 10 stacks of his passive then i hit him with silver edge does that stack stop until 10 only and still regenerating with extra armor or his 3rd skill completely disabled?
I'm Harambe, and this is my zoo. I live here with my old zookeeper and banana, Big Yellow. Everything in here has a heart and a mind. One thing I've learned after 17 years - you never know WHAT is gonna come over that fence.
who are you anyway?
I can't believe they banned that symbol... that's so racist...
@Triplesteal i have question. If timbersaw already have 10 stacks of his passive then i hit him with silver edge does that stack stop until 10 only and still regenerating with extra armor or his 3rd skill completely disabled?
^the first one is correct
amazing game against reese
U know its Reese when he buy dragon lance for every hero
he bought it at the end, doesnt matter
meanwhile enemy aa shittalking me while getting carried, great game
actually im not playing supports until 4.7 or so
this luna is so shieeeeeeet
needs coaching sessions from me
he dropped mmr or valve is that fucking retarded that they put ppl who queue for compendium mm in normal rmm games? x)
If u can reach 4.7 , remember u have college soon 5k dream is still alive
Edit: lul mid spam arin is back
i wonder if when i come back home in january arin will be 5k
probably not
whats 5k mean to you guys anyways:)
the star ofc
star xD
@dam fast
no, it doesnt cancel previous stacks of reactive armor, but prevents new ones from appearing.
btw reese abusing profile hiding mmr in order to keep his blue star
my other acc is getting unbanned in 7 days so im chillin i think
a classic
when u make a flashy play but still die
ROFL dat fb vid xD
Sam H
I'm Harambe, and this is my zoo. I live here with my old zookeeper and banana, Big Yellow. Everything in here has a heart and a mind. One thing I've learned after 17 years - you never know WHAT is gonna come over that fence.
nvm, back to 3k.
lost against pudge oracle offlane
oracle rushing agh
GabeN cosplay SeemsLUL
i typed "SEX" in ti broadcast twitch chat and got auto-muted for 10 minutes
??????????????????????????????? why is that banned like if I ask what's someones sex? I'm getting banned? OK VOLVO...
classic jimmy https://clips.twitch.tv/dota2ti/ExcitedBeeOpieOP
roses are red
harambe is heaven
george bush had advanced knowledge of 9/11
this ti is full of unexpected match results all over the place
8k mmr player
man no dbd r34 makes me sad
would like to see meg being hooked ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
sk stunning grass ✔
axe dunking ward ✔
ti 6 ✔
always lit