Since i was a young boy my father has imposed his religion onto me. I was home schooled because we live in the west and my father wanted me in an environment that was free from anything Haram. I couldn't associate with Jews or Christians, anyone who ate unclean animals, or any girl. As a teenage guy going through puberty this was naturally a living nightmare. After years of begging from me and pressure from his colleagues, i was finally allowed to attend a very nice coed high school. The only rule was that i had to keep avoiding anything Haram. Being free for the first time i started to celebrate. Ate bacon my first day, had Christian friends in a week, and within the month i had even met a girl. I was shy and awkward as i could possibly be but she liked me and thought i was funny. She was a little too hipster punk for me, listing to music i've never heard and using words like tubular and bae, but i loved it. Within two months we were dating. It was going great until my father heard about it. The Christians and bacon he could overlook, but the women to him were really wrong. To him this was too much and he even claimed me of having sex with her. As if it couldn't get any weirder he actually demanded i show him my penis to prove i haven't been having sex. I had to ask him twice to make sure i heard him right. It was awkward but living under his roof i had to do as he commands. I started to go out with her on dates and every time i came home i had to whip it out for dad. It might be insane, but i actually am ok with dicks out for haram bae.
we lsot
what da fuck how is wingblade in kaipi, i got him on my friendlist and idk about now but some months ago he was low 5k trash
hes my teammate, we didnt have time to play in the lan so hes standin for kaipi
4Head whats his mmr now?
6600 or smth
no fucking shit
i call it winning
sexy russian feet
Foot fetish CONFIRM.
spunki did u find headphones for sleeping
what's happening
whys seleri there
whys singsing there
no, go fuck urself
Dead by Deadlight is a good game if you want to buy it
i get like 250 ping when i turn it on
oh nice
dead pixel on my brand new screen
dead pixels, dead gpu, pc freezing... FeelsArinMan
Since i was a young boy my father has imposed his religion onto me. I was home schooled because we live in the west and my father wanted me in an environment that was free from anything Haram. I couldn't associate with Jews or Christians, anyone who ate unclean animals, or any girl. As a teenage guy going through puberty this was naturally a living nightmare. After years of begging from me and pressure from his colleagues, i was finally allowed to attend a very nice coed high school. The only rule was that i had to keep avoiding anything Haram. Being free for the first time i started to celebrate. Ate bacon my first day, had Christian friends in a week, and within the month i had even met a girl. I was shy and awkward as i could possibly be but she liked me and thought i was funny. She was a little too hipster punk for me, listing to music i've never heard and using words like tubular and bae, but i loved it. Within two months we were dating. It was going great until my father heard about it. The Christians and bacon he could overlook, but the women to him were really wrong. To him this was too much and he even claimed me of having sex with her. As if it couldn't get any weirder he actually demanded i show him my penis to prove i haven't been having sex. I had to ask him twice to make sure i heard him right. It was awkward but living under his roof i had to do as he commands. I started to go out with her on dates and every time i came home i had to whip it out for dad. It might be insane, but i actually am ok with dicks out for haram bae.
spunki beach
ok apparently it's just stuck on green color whole time
Wtf is this thread
i've tried to browse dotabuff on really small window and i'm very pleasantly suprised how the site handles it
I like the Blink Ragnar, not the Shadowblade one
how? did u spend like 100000000000 mana or how did u get so many retards
Get in here my TriHards
u are both girls?
Nah they both have an ass
but does she?
trying to reduce the ping ingame, might play ranked if everything will be fine
havoc u into russians ?
wow great i was gonna get some pts today but instead i;m sitting here tryiong to win fucking 3 lp games nice ty volvo great day
блядь сука is a fun hero
Toyota returned to WRC with a fucking Yaris WutFace
whioch thread?