General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat hero do you usually pick against a "good aggressive bloodseeker"?

What hero do you usually pick against a "good aggressive bloodseeker"? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Thoughts please? strategy and extra words of smack against him.

    Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

      Maiden, 3 sec stun every 6 secs along with slows and ult to zone him

      Dire Wolf

        Maiden also gets 3 shotted by him. Viper's pretty good for his uber attack slow, any hero that can man fight him before he gets blade mail like ursa. Problem is he'll go treads, blade mail and stomp and you'll be going phase, vlads, blink then maybe bkb. It really sucks.

        Wraith king cus he has to kill you twice giving your team a lot more time to tp in. Slardar does quite good with bashes and his stun. Lina if you stun him before he blade mails you can usually kill him with ult. Mass disables. Pugna is ok cus he can ethereal him and life drain.

        Usually though you just have to rotate really hard whenever he dives someone. Send 2 or 3 people every dive and he can't snowball and he will suck mid game when all he has is treads and blade mail.




            My usual responses were Undying and Winter yeah, fight cancer with cancer.

            In Undy's case I just tell the guy who's feeding Bloodcyka to relax and hold up until we start to 5 man, after that it's ez game ez life, ez feeding bloodcyka.

            Winter Wyvern...ok, I don't have anything witty to say about her, I just like to play it.

            Last picking is 4 pussies

              Personally I just make fun of BS pickers for being utter scum of the earth win or lose. BS is like riding a motorcycle with training wheels.

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                King Vitamin

                  Always have a tp. If he is ulting you while in lane tp right away but not back to your fountain cuz you will miss lots of farm running back to lane and then he will do it again. Instead tp back to a t1 or t2 before he has chance to dmg you then wait for ults to wear off get back to farming. I know that's not hero counter but just a thought. Also you can blink with rupture as Qop if you move first before casting you won't take dmg from blink distance. Doesn't work with AM though so don't try it!


                    Well according to his worst matchups:

                    Tinker - BoT core + uber nukes while bloodrage is up
                    Wisp - save your bff from rupture
                    Lone Druid - bear root means no running while you wail on him
                    Storm Spirit - invulnerable while in ball lightning form, no damage from rupture.

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                      Welt aus Eis

                        wyvern if support, storm if core


                          Lina. Catch BS when he is bloodraged and its pretty much an insta kill.


                            Nobody said necrophos? I think its one of the best counters to him, keeps everyone healthy and as soon as he drops a bit low bs dies.

                            waku waku



                                winter yeah, ud no.
                                About storm, you have to survive the lane though -but yeah, else it's super easy-, and if you are on the same lane as bs, you might not survive it

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                                  as offlaner, SB or WR usually


                                    I just played 1 v 1 lane against WR and destroyed her 4-0 in the first 6 minutes as a bloodseeker.. I wanna mean that the hero can be countered but you just need to know how to play against it, that WR had absolutely no idea how to harass me at the right times and I simply destroyed her till the point where she died 1 second later of tping back to lane (blood rite connected + rupture as soon as she tped in), After that I moved from lane to lane and the snowball is real.. What a fucking hero.

                                    All you need is a brain to counter the bloodseeker, and even if you are smart enough you will still have problems with it. NERF PLS! (or wait no nono, im wining so much mmr) ty volvo


                                      Snowball (2nd ability) to evade Bloodseeker's Blood Rite (2nd ability) and Rapture (ulti).
                                      You can also take your teammates inside your snowball to save them too from Rapture.
                                      If Bloodseeker is chasing you like a ferrari; use Frozen Sigil (3nd ability).
                                      Of course Tusk's ulti is also very powerful and useful against Bloodseeker.


                                        a simple tp scroll my friend, or i guess you can get a tanky mobile hero and build blademail on him. Heavens halberd works too, pugna's decrep can be used offensively into a nether blast and a leech, or just to tp away


                                          I tell my team to pick Zeus+Earthshaker.


                                            Hey, I don't play the hero an he's not easy (though he's been made a lot more user-friendly), but shouldn't Visage theoretically be good not only against him but against the other FOTM Leshrekt as well?

                                            I mean, core or support, he dishes out so much single target damage (and from a decent range), a hero who deliberately amplifies damage to himself and another who despite dishing out massive AoE damage, is still squishy at core and who at any teamfight will keep Visage permanently 6-charged shouldn't fare very well, right? Or am I just talking out of my ass?

                                            Natural born jungler

                                              Tuski tuski




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                                                Tusk is one of the best counters i've seen lately. Snowball just destroys bs :)

                                                Óðinn H

                                                  There's a lot of good heroes vs Bloodseeker......

                                                  Zeus, Tusk, Pugna, Earthshaker, Lion, Winter Wyvern, Ursa can work

                                                  Actually winning vs. Bloodseeker is just as simple as not being stupid.


                                                    WR, LIna, and Gyro.


                                                      since i mostly play mid



                                                        Enchantress lol


                                                          Gyro, Storm, Zeus and TA (those for mid lane)
                                                          (Zeus would suck early though)



                                                            Sunder Kappa.


                                                              As an avid BS player, I'm most annoyed by people who carry TP scrolls. And I fear both blademail carriers and Lina or invoker with their Eul's combo.


                                                                holy shit now I wanna see how tb works out against bs, theoretically if tb and bs are on equal farm (for some reason teams decided to let tb freefarm and not gank him) TB can create so many illus and rape poor bs who uses q, if he gets low boom, sunder. Ofc won't work out cuz tb :(


                                                                  Is Lina weak right now, I see the win rate and know she got nerfed last patch jw , btw is euls required to play her?

                                                                  Bad Intentions

                                                                    So far lock downs and aoes?


                                                                      Lina + Euls almost always core.
                                                                      BAd Intentions, are you asking this question because you want to make a bloodseeker that can defeat his most common counters?

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                                                                        Bad Intentions

                                                                          @chinese guy,


                                                                          Bad Intentions

                                                                            Yo KD, not sure when bs gets bkb tho?

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                                                                                tusky dusky

                                                                                Giff me Wingman


                                                                                  #problem solved.


                                                                                    I am a BS player and very good counters against him are a good techies/tusk players or very early gangs on him. My only advice is play very aggressive against him and buy one of the most precious item in the game "teleports" ;)

                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!