General Discussion

General DiscussionBloodcyka is balanced, his counters are just bad

Bloodcyka is balanced, his counters are just bad in General Discussion

    This guy might be pub cancer like 17% bashlord and flaming unicorn but I think he's not OP he's just annoying right now because he forces reactive rather than proactive play unless you go out of your way to counterpick and crush him before the snowball starts rolling. He's like old Viper in that people hate him not because he's really good (he's actually only slightly above average), but because he's anti-fun.

    Let him have his 15 minutes of fame before the nerf bat hits post-TI5 and he goes the way of 6.82 Doom. Bloodcyka is just mediocre, but 6.84 meta makes him appear stronger than he really is. Read more details about Bloodcyka's place in the pub meta on

    Livin' Real Good

      Ehh, i still don't think so. He get's crazy fucking move speed for no reason, even if the whole enemy team is above 50%, he can jungle without tangos if he gets good camps, he's good at all stages of the game, falls off late, but not very much AT ALL ( Tusk is a good example of a character who falls off hard late) definitely viable late any day, team fight ult, he has a lot going for him. I'm not a Dota expert or anything, but the first thing i'd nerf, and probably only thing i'd nerf cause i don't like the idea of going ham on nerfs, but instead would rather see weaker characters get buffed, is probably Blood Thirst.

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      Das Claw

        I think Bloodseeker's playstyle just accentuates how mediocre this burst damage metagame is.

        It's the damn bloodrage. 40% damage is utterly insane. Let alone the heal.
        I'd say thirst should have an activation time like heart does. If you take hero, tower, or roshan damage in the last 4 seconds; your movespeed does not get boosted.

        The fact that Bloodseeker can also get what equates to a rapier every teamfight with Bloodrage + Thirst... In a metagame all about blowing people up in 5 seconds...

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              Hopefully after watching the way that pro teams completely handle him in the TI games people will stop calling him OP. Hopeful thinking ofc.

              no incoming chat

                He is not that imba as Tusk or Lesh. Leshrac is the most broken hero I've ever seen in CM, on par with pre nerfs IO/Bat/Jugger. Total bullshit. You can counter & deal with Blood, but it's 10 times harder with Lesh.

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                    why ww?

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                        you guy just need a blade mail~
                        and get more hp item,
                        A record lesh come in 5 hero open blade mail, lesh just die in second

                        Obsidian Crown Unbound

                          ^ you forgot the Kappa

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                              hero needs a rework, that much is obvious.
                              maybe rework the global range that affects his thirst and ms/dmg gain.


                                What are you talking about? Everygame i watched there was a bs losing.

                                Giff me Wingman

                                  bloodcyka is like meepo, rather meh when you play against cooridnated team who knows what they do, but a fucking broken mess in public games.

                                  In a nutshell, bloodcyka gets way to strong and can snowball way to fast because of enemies who clearly didn't understand bloodcyka.

                                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                                    I'd be fine if bs Q ability at least cost mana. Only hero that your happy see in jungle right now because mana and his hp are irrelevant no trips to well required.

                                    Hell in a game yesterday with no int boosting items bs had 1100 mana wtf for?


                                      Well, the main problem of seeker, is considering the annoyment power of the hero, he is way too strong.

                                      Doom always been weak (apart from last year, during the most cancerous era of whole dota since 6.48b, and yet, we had the full heal strat era at some point...) and doom is a fucking master of annoyment.
                                      Brood is fucking annoying, yet she suck ball.

                                      Those are the reason why doom and brood are balanced. Bloodseeker is just on par with other heroes, while being as annoying as doom, while even ruinning heroes by just being there. I mean, it's okey to have rupture countering mobile carry such as am and slark in fight, and we definitly need something, but he should stand only as a counter, and not as something viable without the countering mode.

                                      Exactly like silencer, it's bad, as sup, or as core, unless there's shit like enigma/phoenix against you. Yet enigma and phoenix aren't totally dead if silencer is present, they have to play differently. (and much less efficiently).

                                      Bloodseeker not only is a viable pick, and can enter strat without having to care a single second about countering, but he also ruin, without any single chance for the opponent, certain heroes in the game.

                                      Currently, he needs a heavy nerf, while having a little boost on his ult, or the countrary, he needs a nerf on the ultimate (mainly on duration, or on damage type/no longer damaging through bkb) -and i think the latter would be the best, considering it's duration-.

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                                        btw once BS gets his nerf, we gonna face way more huskar pickers than we see now (even tho we see quite a lot, comparing to lets say half a year ago). once we nerf huskar then, leshrac will totally get out of control, kek.


                                          Just remember: this is the first time in 10 years bloodseeker has been a legitimate pick competitively or in high level pubs. Doing more than a marginal nerf again nukes this hero to the 'only play in 3k and below' bracket.

                                          He probably needs a nerf but nothing drastic. I do agree that thirst shouldn't start when heroes are at near full hp. Playing against a mid BS with a hero that can't just nuke him out, and seeing him with +30 damage at level 2 cause your trilane all has 60% hp is kind of fucking nutty. Just do something like making it so thirst only starts activating at 75% or so it scales better or something.

                                          Late game hes pretty shitty, even six slotted, cause of the nature of his skills and prevalent team fights. Rage is just a gimmick late game.

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