General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to deal with BS mid solo?

How to deal with BS mid solo? in General Discussion

    Won this game but I got carried the fuck out of me :

    I got absolutely demolished this lane. As soon as he hit 4 he just kept diving me till t2 and with bloodrage and thirst dmg he would just kill me over and over again.

    I'm not expecting rotations or anything, how do I deal with him? Switch lane? I played really passive, was just trying to get cs with razes but he'd just charge blindly at me


      kill him and keep killing him


        if you're not good enough to kill him level 2 you should really be able to kill him level 3!


          The same way you deal with shadowfiend mid...don't let him last/deny and gank him.

          L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

            With my dmg and his dmg with q, he outdenied me for sure. There were no ganks from either side on mid, so it was mainly 1v1, I was dire so I couldn't go jungle and get souls up.

            So basically just be aggressive at him with rotations?

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                says the sf player^

                L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                  I got absolutely destroyed, and since this was normal skill after the first dive death, flaming immediately began. I swapped lanes with PA at top and did better with CS at that point.

                  Only reason we won was apparently enemy team had some fight and from 40 minute onwards BS never left base, he didn't get an abandon though.

                  BS Thirst dmg was too high, he dove me under tier 1 at 4 minutes , I got 2 razes off but only had around 8 souls and he had 440 ms with around 110 right click, just got popped


                    why the hell do u keep going sb on sf, esp vs bs>?

                    L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                      No one got any dusts or sentries at any point, it did save my life a lot, and nyx would attack out of invis instead of stunning first so I could instantly sb and walk away without thirst detecting me


                        what mmr are you playing at again? the bs can just rupture you,

                        L > BLACK MAGE PARTY


                          BS after killing me 2 times decided to try to focus down PA for some reason, allowing me to catch up on farm to some extent. As you can see from HD, since I was far off I tried to catch up some farm while team took fights. Since BS had some argument and stopped coming in any fights it was even 4v4 fights.

                          They kept sending nyx in jungle to hunt me but he'd keep attacking out of invis first and dagon before any stun, so I could instantly SB and TP out or walk away

                          Dire Wolf

                            You need people to rotate sadly or a hero who has escape or something and tp out of ruptures.

                            L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                              Guessing SF isn't a favorable matchup.

                              I'd wait to see enemy picks, but enemy waits too, and gold loss is an issue then :/

                              On a related note: Who is good against BS mid? Lesh and storm, anyone else?




                                  dont pick sf

                                  in pubs

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    Viper maybe. TA? Can TA go toe to toe with him early with refraction? Dragon knight? Has stun and is tanky, you won't kill him but you will probably survive fine. Idk I don't really mid that much but those are my ideas.

                                    L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                      I'm not any good yet but I am trying to learn the hero. What other option do I have?


                                        take notes from sumail

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                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            Watch Suma1l no Kappa

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                                              the realm's delight

                                                i like to think benao is just a troll... i like to

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                                                  L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                    I watched some of Suma1l's videos, and it really helped me the game before this game, since I was radiant. My farm was far better that game.

                                                    I'm a little lost on the dire side farming though as mid. If I'm SF do I push with razes and then go to the dire hard camp even though its a longer walk?


                                                      you'll need boots to make it in time to stack it.


                                                        or if the enemy doesn't push the wave fast, ignore the creep wave to guarantee the stack, then go back to lane and you'll have missed one, maybe two creeps but gained an entire hard camp in return.

                                                        L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                          Oh, I generally tend to get bottle and finish aquila before boots, so on dire, boots before the finished aquila seems worth it if I can make the stacks .

                                                          Getting them is a whole different question, since for some reason all LC's in normal skill wanna jungle and get aghs ASAP


                                                            pretty sure boots on sf is more important than finishing aquila in any situation


                                                              So yeah, i was slightly mistaken. Even so, pls take a look. Vaikiss is a good player, me too ofc xD


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                                                              L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                                Do you start slippers 3 branches over straight wraith in pubs too ? Or was that just for 1v1?


                                                                  circlet slippers 2 branches tango


                                                                    but just go wb 2 branch and ask for tangoes from plebs


                                                                      and buy salve with rune


                                                                        i start with tango, potion, slippers, 3x branches and get boots as first item, unless i got a spammer i can't kill in which case i get bottle.

                                                                        Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                          You should probably max razes before necromastery if you're being outdenied. Razes are really strong early and can get you kills at level 3 if you put 2 point in it rather than necro. It also punishes his bloodrage usage.

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                                                                            AZUSA ONODERA

                                                                              well, talking general, u can always improve ur lasthit, and against a bs this is very important point, try to start with good stats for LH, wraith band with some branchest into aquila for example, and talking about hero, a lina can harras him very well, tinker too with the laser spam...

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                                                                                whatever you do, don't listen to @kitrak (nigga with 4k shit in his nickname). He doesn't understand dota and is not a good sf player

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                                                                                    L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                                                      I'm guessing against a strong snowball mid type like BS, I should go raze first? to actually dominate the first few waves?

                                                                                      L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                                                        Also I think my itemization is a little too tank reliant

                                                                                        After SB, I generally go SnY followed by skadi, after which I go for dmg items like Bfly / Daed etc. Seems like in my games the higher hp carry wins the game so I like to get tanky.

                                                                                        Is the bfly after sny a better idea though? Bfly does make my EHP against physical good

                                                                                        Quick maffs

                                                                                          Just go lesh, he beats BS really badly.

                                                                                          I have no idea how can you ever win a lane with SF against BS, at least not until lvl 5


                                                                                            pick qop burst him when he skills rage ez lane

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                                                                                                I think the best is to wait till level 5, try to lasthit everything till level 5 and then be close to the creepwave, wait him to bloodrage himself 3 razes and he is death. Also check if any of your teammate isnt low hp because he would hit and kill you... 6.84

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                                                                                                  HKNST (mode: Kahvipannu :-))

                                                                                                    @Benao just to point out a flaw in that 1v1

                                                                                                    1. Add 4 people on both sides
                                                                                                    2. See all those 4 people drop more or less hp
                                                                                                    3. See BS gain shitloads of damage and movement speed
                                                                                                    4. Lose lane

                                                                                                    Pure 1v1 doesn't prove anything here, allthough BS still shouldn't die in that lane unless he tanks triple raze with Bloodrage up or something.

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                                                                                                      bs only gains dmg against the low hp target, the ms is the only change that would affect you.

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