General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR should be reseted

MMR should be reseted in General Discussion
Sua Mãe

    Maps update change a lot in the gameplay and have a lot of impact in the competitive scene and also in pubs.
    I think Valve should reset MMR in every Dota 2 map update, because some metas fits better with you, my MMR in somes maps had get very low. I already had around 3k MMR, but with the 6.80 my MMR dropped to 1.9k, if Valve reset in every big map update, will calibrate to a better team who understand the current meta.

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        Just another person who thinks that their mmr is out of their control.

        casual gamer

          how do you drop from 3k to 1k rofl

          Sua Mãe

            Cause lost many games in 6.80, I was really awful, i had around 30% win rate until 6.82.


              Wasn't 6.82 when there were again big changes in the map? o.O I'm confused now



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                  if your good at dota you should be good at enough heroes to adapt to the meta


                    dota is about changes. if you think those changes have greater impact on you than other people, perhaps it was you who can't adapt to the changes. i'm too lazy to find the dotabuff blog post about dota being a game that always changes, go figure yourself.

                    oh yeah, 3k to 1.9k? i played an account just to reach the lowest mmr possible, but calibrated at 3k too. be reminded that i wanted to lose in this account but only managed to get 2.4k. guess you are better than me in this.


                      It's about understanding meta and patches. When 6.84 came out I went on a huge losing streak, but I'm recovering easily because now I adapted my gameplay to this patch


                        fucking lmao

                        Optimus Drip

                          @mushi i think you could get lower if you tried. try to purposly feed


                            it should be reseted once every 1-3 months

                            not like it takes long to get 10 games to recallibrate then boosting would be much more pointless

                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                              Reset with each map - no. Reset once Reborn is out of beta - yes. Maybe it should reset to your general bracket:
                              5.x -> 5k
                              4.x -> 4k

                              I'm 3.8k at the moment and I wouldn't mind going back to 3k, there's always more to learn climbing up.

                              Welt aus Eis

                                classic normal skill thread


                                  Adapting, its all about adapting to the new patches man. In basketball, the 3-point line didn't come till before the Michael Jordan era, it changed the whole game completely, resulting in teams adapting to different playstyles (shooting from long range) and using it to their advantage.


                                    Dota 2 reborn is such dogshit right now the map looks terrible

                                    Quick maffs

                                      Seriously do you people really think its that bad of idea ? Account buyers and other kind of players who really dont deserve their MMR would lose their motivation to keep buying or spamming X OP hero to get their MMR.

                                      I mean they could at least create some kind of league that last some months and the top players of those leagues get arcanas or things like that.

                                      MMR nowadays seems so .... pointless.

                                      L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                        Please no, I'll probably recalibrate at 1k :S


                                          There are no diamonds buried at 1000 MMR. You just improve your way out or stay.


                                            Wow...from 3k to 1.9k. How bad are you at dota to drop so much? If so, then you don't deserve to be on 3k. And no, resetting mmr for the noobs is just unfair for those who worked so hard to get to 6k-7k. You deserve that 1k.

                                            ms paint

                                              there should be a button where you can reset your MMR so that who ever wants to reset his or her MMR could do it and not forcing every one to rest thier MMR.

                                              saving private RTZ

                                                ^ it will be abused by players who cannot accept that they suck at the game.

                                                the only reasonable idea is to make smth League has, so it resets every season which I think lasts to the next World Championship. I guess it will be good against boosters. But no, just to reset MMR of some people which follow the easy way to climb MMR instead of improving, bad idea.

                                                Offtopic, 3k-1.9k ?? Means your calibration was buffed up like crazy. If you were really a 3k you would climb back easily.
                                                if you really want to reset your mmr, create another account lmao

                                                Jip Bot

                                                  I agree with FSM


                                                    probably, but with the way calibration is working (fucking poorly) it isnt a good option

                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!