General Discussion

General DiscussionSlark question

Slark question in General Discussion

    Some games i don't wanna build a skadi , how do yall Maintain enough mana it seems like if you fight a lot tread switching and Aquila is not enough. It's fine for farming but I do t wanna afk farm . I suppose a drums should give enough mana with Aquila?

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      :/ I'm not a slark picker, no idea, try asking doge


        idk why would u not buy skadi on slark its perfect item for him

        then go for hex/bloodstone/linken or just run to base once in a while doesnt take long to get back anywhere with that 480 movement speed anyway


          If u wanna skip skadi linkens is good option after shadow blade

          Livin' Real Good

            Nah' Skadi is just too good on Slark not to build it on him, do you even hear the way Slark says " eyeee of Skadi! " cause it was fate. Just tread switch, and watch your mana consumption more. I was gonna say make Ring of Aquila, but seems that even with that you're havign problems, weird.

            Pom Pom 🍕

              Why do you not want to get skadi btw?


                you can get a bottle for ealry mana problems (and hp in lane), but yeah likens would be the closest best thing.
                early drum can also solve mana problems, but why the skadi hate?


                  buy a stick

                  saving private RTZ

                    I usually buy bottle even if i am safelane. Idk, i just like it for mana sustain, and maybe for that DD/Haste or smth. I guess if you are safelane and you want just to farm farm farm all game, i think soul ring is actually a good idea as you regen so fast. But if you want to gank after shadow blade or smth bottle is prob better.


                      like god invented mangos for a reason, u shoud always have at least 4mangos in ur inventary.

                      saving private RTZ

                        Actually never mind, you lose 80 mana from that slulring as for farming you will cast only dark pact. Ya, bottle i guess its the answer you are searching for

                        Livin' Real Good

                          Yeah, what top Dog said, a bottle is the only thing i can think of that will help you permanently get rid of your mana problems. (of course you still need the Aquila on top of that) The only time i make a bottle is if i'm going mid with Slark.


                            i have never bought aquila on my slarks as far as i remember and i dont get it why anyone would bother with it

                            Livin' Real Good


                              umm, it's an excellent item on him, especially ever since 6.84, it's become a lot more common. Some people still like to go Magic wand on him though, i used to, but not anymore, but totally see why someone would still use Magic wand on him, Magic Wand did get buffed hard after all in 6.84. (+4 now, less ingredients, and cost 35 gold less, so it's hard to argue against that)

                              As far as what Ring of Aquila does for him?

                              +3 Strength ( a little strength is always nice, no matter what hero you're using, especially with Slark, a hero who has a relatively low HP pool)

                              +9 Agility ( gives him 1 armor ON TOP of the 2 armor you get from the ring of Aquilla passive armor Aura, and the 1 armor you get from the Aquila it's self, which is 4 fucking armor for him) (You also get the attack speed, and 9 damage ( On TOP of the 9 damage you get from the Aquila itself, so that's 18 fucking damage when you add them both up) (the aura armor/mana regen is nice for you and you're team as well)

                              +3 intelligence (helps Slark with mana problems, along with the earlier mentioned aura mana regen on top of that, it's always nice, especially early game)

                              Ring of Aquila's components are also insanely easy to build, and are all useful early, early game, and for the simple cost of 1010, the price to power ratio (what you're getting for it) is just too good. The best part of it is the 4 early game armor, and 18 early game damage.

                              I'm 3.6K, you don't have to take what i say seriously though, just my unimportant thoughts on the item and Slark.

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                              Poot Hoel Khe-Lee

                                orchid is good vs cores that have escape mechanisms


                                  Ya I love Aquila on slark and btw I build skadi almost every game. My usual items is oov pms treads Aquila , lately been getting a quelling . Then shadow blade then skadi then whatever I need. Some games I would like to get an mkb early tho after the sb for instance if vs a wR and pa together or something . Sometimes in games where u got to carry dust all the items it takes to build skadi is annoying as well it has 4 components . Anyways even without skadi I won't run out of mana farming like I said but if you fight a couple times you will run out of mana . Sometimes one long drawn out fight can take all ur mana ( slark can go in and out of a long fight easily ) some games I want to build silver edge first too if enemy carry has strong passive .


                                    It is just so hard to not get skadi when it does so much for him


                                      And ya I have tried orchid against heros with escape mechanisms and it works well vs them but leaves me too squishy doesn't seem worth it unless I am playing like a 3 role slark something

                                      Lester, Moe

                                        Just buy an orchid like a normal slark.


                                          Skadi is great cuz it gives him the slow and tons of survivability.

                                          If you're really against it, then casual soul ring?? It's a lot better than forcefully investing into Orchid into games where its useless.

                                          Lester, Moe

                                            I can't really think of a game where a slark couldn't benefit from an orchid.
                                            Mana regen basically makes it so that you are a walking fountain.
                                            You benefit from the attack speed as you are slark.
                                            The silence is great in so many ways. Shadow blade + orchid is my go to slark build.

                                            Did someone really just say go bloodstone/linkens on slark?


                                              SB+ Orchid, haha, funny build imo, for mana regen is great, but you dont even have survivability in teamfight, i bet you rarely pick slark if you build this way, and the most stupid build is, slark with S&Y,that build is so stupid.


                                                aquila cost too much, and why you don't like s&y^

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                                                  @Sir Jensen, linkens is actually good in some games and is just preference for some people

                                                  Lester, Moe


                                                    I don't play that often but for you as a slark picker you sure aren't very bright.

                                                    SnY isn't great on slark I agree because he needs other items. Those items being shadow blade and an orchid. If you don't see how those two work together on slark you really shouldn't be playing slark.


                                                      hahaha slark on orchid


                                                      what else maybe fucking dagon eb ?

                                                      Lester, Moe

                                                        Funny coming from the person who suggested bloodstone on slark. If you can't see the importance of orchid on slark you are quite the dumbass.


                                                          "importance" there is only 2 reasons to pick orchid on slark

                                                          1 is qop
                                                          2 is storm

                                                          no other reasons regen is so fucking abysmall is not even worth talking about attack speed is joke too not to mention it fucking costs over 4k and gives close to nothing for the hero its almost as bad as buying basher on slardar


                                                            treadswitch, wand aquila drums

                                                            Lester, Moe

                                                              Yeah sorry my bad I forgot that those are the only two heroes in the game with an escape mechanism. Oh yeah I also forgot how hard it was to build up for an orchid.


                                                                Orchid works some games but not nearly as many as skadi does. The main draw back of orchid is it provides no survivability so it is a sitautional item not a core item . For me slarks core is skadi treads and sb . I see high mmr players using blink instead of sb a lot but I think for me I get more use out of the sb.


                                                                  5.5k slark player here. Generally bottle can help with the mana issues early. Combined with an aquilla you shouldn't really have mana issues. Not sure why you wouldn't build skadi though, it's the best item in the game for slark after shadow blade


                                                                    I think blink is better than shadowblade the higher the mmr goes. Sb is generally a pubstomp item where people dont comunicate and doesnt spend money on truesight. Sb cant break highground nearly as good as dagger.


                                                                      aquila wand drums treads = infinite mana for jungling, insane stats for teamfighting, also drums works in a pinch for ganking


                                                                        @morning you're 100% wrong. SB is insane on slark. It's a second ult for you, darkpact dispells dust which makes SB insanely good on slark....bait out dust dark pact pounce, use SB and you're safe.

                                                                        In addition it builds into silver edge which is amazing against so many heroes.


                                                                          Im not saying its a bad item by any means, i myself build sb all the time on slark. But theres some games you wont need silver edge and i think blink is better vs blinking hero such as qop, storm and am which are played all the time in pubs.

                                                                          Also at some point there will be a gem. And by highground jumping techies mines to murder a support in ult/bkb is also very rewarding.


                                                                            sometimes you own people so hard that the gem won't do shit really

                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                              Orchid's a nice item but zero hp or armor, you get blown the fuck up if you rush it.

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