General Discussion

General DiscussionCan`t figure out Why I`m still on NORMAL....any tips so I can move to...

Can`t figure out Why I`m still on NORMAL....any tips so I can move to HIGH bracket? in General Discussion
The Black Knight Who Says Ni

    Hello guys,

    I used this account to learn some middle Heroes and I started pretty bad at it.

    Then I played with my main account and got 3,1k MMR.

    Left this account untouched for a long time, and since it was already lvl 8, i decided to reach 13 and try a new MMR.

    But before playing those 10 games, i`ve decided to improve the GPM, XPM and KDA so i could start playing in HIGH therefore balanceing in a Higher MMR.

    I Have seen people with lower KDA XPM GPM avarage (on trends) than me that already started playing on HIGH, but somehow I`m still stucked on NORMAL.

    So guys, can you please help me understad this system better and say what I`m doing wrong ??


      Lol I watched Monty Python & holy grail yesterday
      Legend movie!

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          its not about kda xpm of people who are in high/very high, they play against better players.
          and after a certain amount of games (10-20) you only progress 25 mmr in normal matches just like in ranked.
          so to move from normal (lets say 2800) to high (starts at 3200) you need to win 16 games in a row.


            the first couple of games matter on the account (kinda like normal calibration)
            if you fuck that up (playing ultra bad your first couple of games) you will settle at a low hidden mmr, and on this account you will have to grind wins now.


              i mean look at this shit
              if you play that bad in normal skill games, you will be normal skill

              The Black Knight Who Says Ni

                So the first games I played back in 2013 are the reason this account can`t reach HIGH Bracket?

                It makes no sense.


                  ^ That's exactly how it works dude, especially in ranked mmr
                  Your first 10 games are so important, and from there you have to grind out the mmr very slowly

                  After a long time at a good win rate, you will get there

                  The Black Knight Who Says Ni

                    So, judging by my profile, if I play my 10 balance games right now, which is the MAX MRR that i can get?


                      your 10 calibration games are more important the fewer games you have. since you have almost 400 games, your hidden ranked mmr will be fairly accurate imo. and since you've got no high skill games, which begins at around 3200 mmr I think, then your mmr won't be higher than 3200.

                      "So the first games I played back in 2013 are the reason this account can`t reach HIGH Bracket?"

                      your starting games affect your initial hidden MMR, but if you were much better than your rating suggested, you'd be stomping your games since you're playing against players worse than you, until eventually your hidden rating matches up to your skill, where your rating starts converging to 50% because you're playing with and against players who are equally skilled as you.


                        The closes thing to monty python and the holy grail was blackadder ( /w Hugh Laurie)
                        good shit


                          i want to ask about this hidden mmr things. hidden mmr only works in normal mode right? since i open my ranked i always play ranked mode, and never touch my normal.

                          is normal / hidden mmr follow skills on your mmr mode?


                            @Fate.Tohsaka Rin
                            hidden mmr is not updatied if you play ranked only

                            @The Black Knight Who Says Ni
                            you will calibrate in Normal Skill (<3200), but not because of your first games or some magic factors; you'll be just where you belong to. If you give ur acc to someone else with higher mmr and ask him to calibrate instead of you, theorically you'll be able to get up to 4k or even higher.


                              ^ to follow up on Triple Steal's comment.

                              Assuming your hidden MMR is now at 3000. The person who's playing your account has to win 8 out of 10 games before hitting the HIGH SKILL rating bracket.

                              The issue now is that you do not know what your hidden MMR is and can only based on Dotabuff's skill bracket.


                                not only the fact of winning, but also how you win affects future mmr.
                                afair Mokujin several months ago calibrated a low mmr acc, and he rised its mmr by smthng like 1500 cz he stomped literally all the 10 games. but to stomp you gotta be better than ppl u r playing with, unfortunately.


                                  also @OP
                                  brackets and mmr DO NOT reflect how good your GPM, XPM, KDA or any other shit it. they reflect your skill.myou can't get higher mmr than you are by rocusing on some numbers. you won't ever become a high skill player by getting high KDA; you gotta either improve your skill or stay in normal skill.

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    I have seen some shit players with insane stats


                                      Well i guess in summary. Just stop dying


                                        I got roughly +160 points per game during callibration, so if your initial hidden solo mmr before callibration is 3k you can get 4.6k after callibration. Though, realistically, if you were able to do it you would already have 4.6-4.7k hidden mmr before starting callibration (I don't know what the cap is).
                                        If you can't get that much yourself, the question is, is it actually worth it to get boosted?

                                        Callibration example (from 1900 to 3503)

                                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                                          I think it's not true what Androgynous said:

                                          "your 10 calibration games are more important the fewer games you have"

                                          Maybe someone can clarify


                                            He meant that as you play more ranked games, the relevance of the calibration games to your mmr shrinks

                                            Like if you're 2000 mmr but only played 20 ranked games then the calibration games were big factor in determining your mmr, but if you've played 1000 ranked games you can't really blame it on your calibration

                                            Or that is what I think he meant?


                                              I understand what he meant, it is logical and it makes perfect sense to me but there's no evidence to support his statement (or at least I haven't seen any); the account I boosed had 300 games and callibration remained sensitive

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                                                My statement was based on the bit about the uncertainty. If you have lots of games, then your mmr uncertainty is going to be low, so the mmr change from each calibration game is going to be less than the mmr change compared to an account that has ~100 games prior to calibrating. That's how I interpreted it.

                                                Crudude is also right though.


                                                  if you stomp games consistently in normal skill you will get high skill faster than +25/-25
                                                  so keep playing, you'll win more than you lose -> your rating will go up


                                                    best advice I can give is find someone important then proceed to give them a blow job.

                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!