General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion about party calibrating

Question about party calibrating in General Discussion

    Hello dear dotabuff users and dota 2 players!
    Me and my friend are about to get lvl 13. How do we calibrate party mmr?
    If he'll support me all 10 matches (because I'm really good on late-carry), we'll get the same rating?


      u will get different based on kda/other shit factors

      but if u both stomp those 10 games u should get close ratings


        That's what we thought, we both play in Very High Skill, we both will get close mmr if he'll support me all 10 games?

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          Most of your games are in high skill, some are Very High. You mentioned (We both play in Very High Skill) which means that if you party with him, it will be Very High, but if you go solo, it will be only High. am I right?


            High Skill is when I play with other friend, now I played solo 2 games, both Very High Skill


              Yeah. Your MMR will not be affected by him/her. They both are independent. Which means that you will have your own party MMR and his own Party MMR also.


                Your MMR should have already started since your first game (even in normal). In order to have the same MMR, unless you've played 100% games together. There's probably no way you'll get the same MMR.

                PS: MMR is just a public's view of your current skill rating. There is also a "hidden" MMR for normal games.

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                  You're probably 3.6 - 3.8k btw

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                    Okay, thanks.
                    I'll be happy even for 3.6k mmr, I started playing dota a year ago (with some quits)

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                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!