General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen are techies getting removed from the game?

When are techies getting removed from the game? in General Discussion

    You're right, they should remove all heroes cause it's too hard.

    waku waku

      you were freaking rubick, you could have become techies yourself without the restriction on 40 landmines


        What are you even talking about?
        Been there, done that, but they literally didn't leave their base for 30 minutes until 3 of us dived and died while screaming like tortured hyenas.

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          Techies is as good/bad as any hero, and your inability to play well vs him doesn't mean that the hero is bad enough to be removed.

          Last pick Meepo used to be annoying, so did jugger, lesh, troll, lina etc. all these heroes require more thought to beat which you obviously don't want to do. If you don't want to play hard, and smart to beat a tricky hero then you can't complain to much.

          I will watch the game when I get home and can let you know how this all went wrong. There uphill defense was tough I can give you that but look at their team...was rubick really the hero to have played?


            Thing is, I know where it all went wrong. Tide went yolo mode 50 mins in and blinked onto mines in their base at least 4 times before he could initiate, leaving our team in shambles. There was only so much we could do after that.

            Rubick ineed wasn't *the* hero to play, because I first picked him. That is 100% my fault.

            Anyway, I was really mad after we lost, because this is at least the fifth time I lost against techies in exactly the same situation as this one. Techies mine the base, wait with the rest of his team for our team to push, get kills because at least one of us gets blown up, the rubberband effect kicks in and their hard carry death pushes when the time is right.
            It's nigh impossible to beat this strat when solo-queueing, because people in pubs hate long games and will almost surely start yelling "omg finish" and play recklessly.


              i think the aghs sign needs to be changed somehow. Invis that can't be revealed at all simply should not be in the game.

              I fucking hate that hero and wouldn't object to him being removed completely, but that isn't going to happen.

              plz do

                ^ slark?


                  slark doesn't count. You still know where he is, and you can still damage him with AOE spells (both physical and magical), and his ulti only last a few seconds.

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                    some ppl just cant accept that dota is way more complex and versatile than they think, and you may face different ways of playing it. the common way to execute heroes and builds is not the only one, you know; there is a lot of shit that can seem unbalanced if you got no idea how it works. you can jungle lvl1 as Io, take roshan solo at min 6 as enigma, use push strats that suppose game duration of 15-20 mins, etc. its part of the game, and so is techies; adapt or surrender.


                      tbh Techies can't be compared to other heroes in a regular game. Playing vs Techies is worse than playing with no wards (and remember, this is just one hero, you still have to worry about the 4 other)

                      Pom Pom 🍕

                        Doesn't matter if he's not op, still makes any game boring for either sides. He changes the game a lot more than other heroes.

                        Also the sign is fine since you can actually see it (it's not an invisible sign), so you just have to push another lane or wait it out.



                          Let's say you are pushing. Your lineup can effectively slow-siege, meaning techies can fuckin put a sign at highground and enemy can practically not fight you cause they'll just blow up.

                          Techies is extremely imbalanced, it's just hard to play ihm to its full potentional, but even then, he's sitll op at 30%


                            I agree techies presents a very unique difficulty when it comes to organized Dota2. He's the chaos in games that can completely ruin plans with a click of a button. However, this doesn't diminish peoples responsibilities in how they deal with said have a few options.

                            > Farm the map and just keep a group of 2-3 roaming consistently with a gem to make sure the only mines are the ones you know exist in inaccessible places.
                            > Trade lanes quick enough for him to react. This has worked extremely well (esp. with kotl but we'll get to that) and you feign a lane push and then all of a sudden swap off. You still run the risk of having a few there but not nearly as many. Doing it right is key, have one pushing one lane and 4 push right to the tower, then instantly swap when the one man reaches the other tower. Decide the lanes and work it out.
                            > Pick KotL. Seriously. High ground vision, with gem has never been easier. One of the tried and proven best heroes almost vs techies and you can drain from the HG.
                            > Go for early pushes to win space while he's not that leveled don't get a gem too early as unless your team can manage it you will lose it and have to wait ages when it may be the most crucial to have it.

                            Lot of other things contribute as well to winning/losing vs a techies.

                            plz do

                              Havoc "kotl" Badger :)


                                it gotta be Havoc "kotl of the light" Badger then


                                  Guys just mass necro book lvl 3 ez win


                                    You can only buy two necro book numnuts




                                        Uhhh really since when

                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!