General Discussion

General DiscussionFor all the guys who still think they are stuck at certain MMR becaus...

For all the guys who still think they are stuck at certain MMR because of their teammates in General Discussion

    Go watch this, one of the best advices a great player can give you. Maybe he will even open your stupid brain a bit and actually help you to become better.

    Btw - this guy is hillarious xD

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    lm ao

      2/10 I still believe in bad teammates = ez lose :D


        Did you even fuckin listen to him or you just muted him cause you didnt like what he was saying?

        I used to believe in Santa Claus once too.

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        lm ao

          Did your inborn ability to detect sarcasm died with your childhood dreams too, boy?

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          the realm's delight

            moon = life


              At first i thought you may be joking, but then i saw normal skil bracket and it struck me like a lighting bolt rofl. Good for you tho :D


                I mean to me this was just a guy who had a good day of dota and then got so full of himself

                I don't know how listening to him speak like he is God for gaining 200 mmr on a smurf in a day will make me a better player but okay :o

                Here is the vid of the same guy raging at his teammates -->

                lm ao

                  please, PIS

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                    Crudude - you don't get what he's trying to say. There is a loser and a winner mentality. He is trying to teach you guys the winner mentality, which can help you anywhere in life to achieve what you want. There is nothing that can hold you down if you really want something and thats the point of this post.

                    Dont look for excuses, find a way to do it.

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                      i was winning all of my games too

                      but after dealing with feeders and russians

                      i just broke down and decided to join along and feed started buying couriers and tp scrolls and running into towers

                      if game goes full retard u have to go full retard yourself


                        I get what he wanted to say but I really didn't like the way he said it
                        Best example would be someone showing like 10 losses in a row, battling at a low mmr and then showing how they improved and came back from it and are now double the mmr. Showing how they improved in themselves despite how much they wanted to blame their teammates.

                        Here he smurfed an account lower then his actually mmr (I think) and won some games on it, and now he's like look at me I don't blame teammates I'm just really awesome and I just win. But that says NOTHING about how he got that good.
                        I mean I just sent you a link of him raging at teammates so maybe raging at teammates was part of his development, who knows.

                        I agree with the point of it all but the video just annoyed me.

                        lm ao

                          You know, when I was tilting so badly (some one year before I came back to this old "git gud" account), I used to think so badly that DOTA was a huge conspiracy by the Dark Lord Gaben to force me to feel psychologically so less about me, for abusing autograph rune duplicate with SM immortal XDDDD


                            Well, ofc he's (maybe over)confident, but he has the right to be. Yeah, his main is higher, but the point is he tried to show people that if you are better, no one can hold you down. Btw he got that smurf on higher mmr (like 5.7k) in no time, proving his point. This topic's point is:

                            If you are at 2-3k or any other mmr, you deserve to be there. It's not your teammates fault, etc. and as soon as people understand that, they can start working on their own play and become better.

                            How to get better? Watch 6-8k player streams, get better at farming and moving over the map, learn how to position properly according to your role, etc. When you start realizing whats your week points, you can start getting better.

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                              how to get better ? find someone to couch u

                              even if u can't pay for it there are people who can do it for free

                              second player opinion about ur own playstyle is really important cuz often u can't notice ur own mistakes unless u have insane game knowledge


                                Holy crap Vaikiss, the losing streak continues :O Stop picking fuckin lesh if you like yourself at least a bit ffs


                                  i want to fucking win

                                  but this team is feed

                                  lm ao

                                    Uhh I'm actually done with that stuff, BTW this "git gud" old account (I have HS and VHS smurf shits u probably dont care about) used to be at 1.3K a few months ago. Now I'm at 2.1 :D
                                    The trench tho is actually so bad in my server :/ Ive been here for 3 months out of really bad teenage teammates :T Although I havent played so much for the past months out of being busy in real life (At least I have a real life)

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