General Discussion

General DiscussionRefund PLEASE !

Refund PLEASE ! in General Discussion

    Hi guys,

    I've writte you 4 times, also in facebook and twice in twitter and no response yet.

    I got Plus subscription but I wanted to pay for a month and you charged me for a whole year.

    I can not afford this really, I need those money, that is why I am spamming you.

    Please refund me, I can only pay monthly.

    bum farto

      I think all the staff just game from the TI so they might need some time to get on the mean time I would suggest seeing if the payment has already left your account and looking to cancel it.


        It has left, I don't see the money in my account.


          This is shit. Where is the customer service?


            They did that to me to, i sent an email about it 2 days ago and they didnt get back to me, its quite annoying to be out 60$ for something you were just trying to check out and see what its like...

            I did get a semi response saying that they cant get back to everyone yet, but as far as im concerned, if money is the issue it should take priority

            Цей коментар був відредагований
            Dire Wolf

              so many poor people play dota apparently


                Well, i just wanted to check it out and see if its worth the money, 6$ is nbd if it got messed up, however losing 60$ upfront is kind of annoying if i dont really like + that much.

                Dire Wolf

                  I get you, I would be mad too, but these people act like they won't eat if they don't get refund, then there was that other thread about how some guy wanted humble bundles cus he has no access to any of their payment methods... it sounds so 3rd world


                    Regardless of reasons, one would think if the customers are complaining, you would think there would be more effort address those complaints as soon as possible as opposed to letting us be salty shitlords on the forums and possibly ruining future customers


                      It's not like they have endless staff

                      There's already been a post saying they have a backlog of support stuff they are working through

                      Just be patient friend


                        Good to know. Wanted to check Plus for 1 month :) no more :)


                          Sorry for the delay, we're still catching up from TI. OP was taken care of earlier.

                          Greatlubu, I've refunded your payment and gave you a free month to try it out. We really do want everyone to be happy, I apologize for the delayed response here. We'll be looking to increase our customer support staff to make sure we don't get behind like this again.


                            Thumbs up!


                              @Dire Wolf

                              Just saying, Some of us are from third world countries :P


                                Jason, I appreciate the response and the service, this is how you get customers by responding admitting mistakes and rectifying it, if this were reddit you would have my upvote.

                                Giff me Wingman

                                  Jason always takes care of people when they write something plus issues on the forums.

                                  Protato BBnoZAR

                                    @ Dire Wolf
                                    Well done for being born in a first world country.
                                    Much skill Such wow

                                    report mid noob ever
                                      Цей коментар було видалено
                                      report mid noob ever
                                        Цей коментар було видалено
                                        report mid noob ever
                                          Цей коментар було видалено
                                          lm ao

                                            Hallo forum people I am born in third world counrtry Philippines, but I can wash the dishes well and put the baby to sleep well. All for 1 month free Dotabuff subscription.


                                              ^pretty much the same but not filipino, pls givew me dotabuff+ BibleThump


                                                ^ I'm a cat. halp

                                                lm ao

                                                  Jason pls. I will give you my vary beatifull sister if u want wife.

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    yep I am pretty awesome

                                                    bum farto

                                                      @pinoy butt guy

                                                      If you can get 50% winrate I will give you a month of plus.

                                                      Protato BBnoZAR

                                                        @Havoc,check my ogre winrate,do I qualify?
                                                        Also watch this!
                                                        xD xD


                                                          Not to sound like an ingrate at this point, but when would i be seeing that?

                                                          bum farto

                                                            Refunds from most providers usually take 2-5 working days from the day they instigate the refund, being it the weekend you may not see this till next week or till Monday the following week.



                                                              would i get free month if i would reach 53%? >:D